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Authors Note: I gave up this chapter, I have no food :((( and so it's less then half it's normal size :(((( and I don't like it but I can't fix it since I'm already on the fourth chapter and avejrjfjisiwjejrjfkkf

Crimson: I'm impressed
SuckMyPop: Wait what?
Crimson: Dumb bitch can you not read? >:(
Crimson: Do you know how to write but not read?
SuckMyPop: Bruh you're texting me at seven in the morning.

Travis sighed, staring at his computer with the editing program open. He moved his arm and knocked over the stack of cards nearby. He gasped lightly before shouting a small 'no' as he got off the chair. The male hastily picked them up, ignoring the texts from Schlatt. 'I spent so long putting it in alphabetical order and this is what happens to me?!' Travis groaned slightly, bundling them together and grabbing the top card. 'Oh. Guess they're my next victim.' He placed the cards back on his table and continued texting to Schlatt.

Crimson: Oh my satan I'm watching a cooking video and when they put in the gelatin sheet I almost screamed thinking it was plastic.
Crimson: Yo did you drop the cards?
Crimson: Dumb bitch of course you did
SuckMyPop: Ye I dropped them.
Crimson: Dumb ass
SuckMyPop: But I also have a new victim
Crimson: 👀👀
Crimson: 👀
SuckMyPop: Ew
SuckMyPop: But he's always hanging out with Ryan so I gotta shank shank both of them
Crimson: Oms you have Altrive don't you 🤭🤭
SuckMyPop: Stop
SuckMyPop: Yea I got Altrive but I gotta kill Krinios too
Crimson: Oms you're gonna become a serial killer
Crimson: I'm so proud son :')

Travis laughed slightly with a large grin before turning towards the card. He hummed softly before checking the cards to search for Krinios' card. It was somewhere in the middle so eh. His door opened and Charlie poked his head in. "Are you good, Trav? I heard your shout." "I'm good, I just dropped something." He laughed lightly, pushing back his bangs. Charlie gave him a nervous stare before exiting and closing the door softly. 'Dang. He's suspicious of me.' The male frowned softly, turning back to his phone.

SuckMyPop: When would be a good time to kill?
Crimson: Hold on lemme do something
SuckMyPop: What?
Crimson: Okay, 10 pm would be a good time. They'll be watching a movie in Altrive's room. They'll be distracted.
SuckMyPop: How the frick do you know this
Crimson: Yes
SuckMyPop: Okay then •-•
Crimson: That face is so cute oms
SuckMyPop: I know :>


Travis growled softly, sitting up in the tree he was in. 'Schlatt said that the random thing that helped me with Sam would help me too.' "Are you ready?" He shivered at the voice, looking around. It wasn't the voice he heard with Sam, it was higher and kinda an octave higher then Schlatt's. "Uhhhhh... sureeee...?" "Hold your nose and close your eyes." The voice quoted, Travis doing what it said. He opened his eyes again and examined the room he was in. 'Krinios' room.' He stood up and carefully exited the room, looking through the hall. "Room to the right." The male exited and opened the door to the right slightly, seeing Altrive and Krinios nomming on some popcorn and watching Frozen 2. 'Oh ew.' "The door handle is switched, now they have to use a key and you can keep the door locked." Travis carefully examined the room from how much he saw and took note of no windows. He loudly shut the door and locked it from the outside, thus getting attention from the two males. "The hell?" "Whoever's out there, I'm biting off your nipple." Krinios growled, venturing towards the door and jiggled the door. 'Do they have any paper?' The male went towards Krinios' room and looked around before grabbing a sheet of printer paper and pen and quickly writing something down. He went back to Altrive's door and waited for a moment. "The doors not opening."
"Can't you pick locks?" Altrive sighed, followed by the sound of looking through a metal supply cup organizer. "Yeah my last two paper clips broke when I was trying my lock." Krinios sighed before hitting the door with the side of his arm. Travis slipped the paper under the door, getting a confused snort from both. "Aw shit..." Altrive grunted, standing up and supposedly going towards the door. "You think it's Schlatt?" "Hopefully not, he has shitty handwriting." 'Well dang.' Travis grunted slightly, gritting his teeth. He traveled downstairs in the darkness, going into the kitchen and searching for a knife. "Knife." The male pursed his lips with a small pout, opening the cabinet and grabbing a knife. 'This is why you always wear gloves.' He moved back upstairs, hearing one of the two hitting the door. "My ears are starting to hurt." Krinios sighed. "And my hand hurts!" Altrive yelled back. Travis stared at the knife before pursing his lips. 'Should I risk it?' He raised the knife slightly. 'Yes.' He stabbed the knife into the door, getting a small gasp from Krinios. 'The door is thin, how are they struggling to open the door?' The male pulled back the knife from the slit and stared at the blood coating the blade. "...Which part did I hit?" He whispered to himself, listening to Krinios push past a falling Altrive and immediately start banging on the door. 'It must've been fatal.'
Travis unlocked the door and kicked it open harshly, Krinios stumbling backwards as he was tackled down. "What the fuck?!" He held Krinios down to the ground, using his arm on his neck and held the knife while looking more intimidating then he should. "Travis?!" The male grunted in response, pushing down his arm more as the other tried fighting him off. He huffed angrily before slicing the carotid artery on Krinios' neck, feeling Krinios being pushed down by something else other then him. 'This is terrifying, a short goblin just killing you.' "You're my fourth victim, you know that?" The boy whispered, continuously stabbing the knife into Krinios' head as he listened to the voice in the background. "You're brutal. Altrive is still alive though, he's pretending." 'Can he not run?' Travis stood up, seeing the blue male stop moving and doing the normal pouch thing. He then moved towards the dusty brunette. "CURB STOMP HIM!" "What? No... I dunno." He placed his foot against Altrive's head before pressing down harshly. "Maybe just slit his throat and exit and lock the door and leave him to die here. He's weak..." The voice sighed softly as the male gave a glare. 'I need his fog.' He stabbed Altrive on the back and upwards, obliterating the brain stem and quickly doing the normal pouch card thing with the fog. "How do I go home now?" The boy waddled our the room, coated in a layer of blood with some slightly in his mouth.

Travis blinked before frowning slightly, seeing himself in his room and switched clothes and cleaned of blood. "I am anger."

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