16 - ToxxxicSupport

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Laughter filled Travis' ears as he quietly typed away on his computer. "What's so funny?" "That serial killer left evidence at their last murder!" Josh laughed, mumbling to himself about how stupid they were. 'And Schlatt said he was the smartest.' "What's the evidence?" Noticing the hesitation, Josh narrowed his eyes. "A black ribbon and tear from a cardigan." Travis let out a small sigh of relief, Josh quickly taking note. "What's with the sigh?" "I'm just glad they have a lead on who's the killer is. Because they can get like DNA, right?" Josh only gave a small nod. "I'm going to the store later. Need anything?" "Uhhhh... cake mix and peanut butter." The raven scrunched his nose in disgust before getting up and leaving the room.
'Thank Schlatt.' Travis glanced at the pouch and cards hiding behind his fake plants and figurines. 'Who's next?' He didn't bother listening to Pants' small complain, only grabbing at the next card and grimacing at the symbol. "Isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Ribbon purred, the large grin obvious in their voice. "It is, isn't it?!" The two burst out into laughter, Travis instantly glaring at the card before slamming it down. 'So! So! Ready to go! I think I'll let teacher *know*.'


'A victim's murder the same as their name.' Travis barely looked up from his cup of coffee, not taking mind to the stares he got from the familiar two. 'An angel murder. If an angel murders, do they become a devil or fallen angel?' He stared at the now cold drink before pouring it into the grass of the park. The male dropped the cup into a nearby trashcan before swiftly walking out. 'It's almost spring, it'll be easier to hide a body.' the boy snorted his nose at the thought before staring down at his phone. 'Almost there.' Travis snorted under his breath in annoyance. "You have arrived at your destination, 'ToxxxicSupport's house'." Siri called into his headphones before shutting up completely. He jumped over a small rock before approaching the house in the shadows which was... hard. The male glanced down at the time. 2:21 am. 'She should be asleep.' He glanced at his bag straps before scaling the wall. 'Maybe going out and going rock climbing back at summer camp wasn't such a bad after all.' Travis huffed in annoyance, climbing clumsily onto the balcony of Toxic's house. 'Dead girl walking style? Dead girl walking style.' He took out two paper clips and bent them so they could fit into the lock. 'How do I even pick locks...? I can just try.' With a grumble of disappointment, he did what his mind told and picked the lock which didn't take long. Two minutes max.

Travis placed the paper clips away and opened the door, cringing slightly when he heard it creak. 'If you open it slowly, she's more likely to wake up because of the creaks. Open it quickly, and she may wake up because of the room temperature change... screw it, I'm slamming the door and pushing her off.' He huffed in annoyance, peaking into the room and harshly slamming the balcony door shut. He crouched in the corner, taking out the knife he stole again from Charlie and watching Angel wake up groggily. 'If I push her off the balcony then I guess that means she's going to become a demon.' Travis furrowed his eyebrows, watching the gamer girl simply walk out onto the balcony holding a knife. 'Oh, smart.' He quickly got up and swiftly moved towards her, only to stagger backwards as she slashed the air between them. "Travis?" Toxic blinked, Travis looking between their knives. "What the hell are you doing here?" He watched the girl lower her knife and her shoulders stop being tense, though her grip never faltered on the knife. "What kind of knife is that?" "Don't try to steer the conversation away." She spat angrily.
'Understandable. Though she did ruin my plans to sing A Gorey Demise by Creature Feature.' "Why the hell are you being stalker like? And how the fuck did you get up here?" Travis glanced down at the knife in his hands. "Climbing." He quietly mumbled, getting a scoff in return. "Yeah no shit." Before she could finish, Travis swung the blade at her neck. 'Jugular vein is the way to go.' Toxic yelped, moving back towards the edge and getting a shallow cut. 'Neighbors. Should've thought this through.' He kneed her in the stomach and grabbed her wrist, taking the knife from her as she hissed. "Mother fucker." 'Uh oh.'


She landed on the ground with a thud. Cuts decorated his body, as well as a black eye and busted lip. 'At least she didn't go down without a fight.' He tore a piece of cloth from one of Toxic's jackets and wrapped it around a somewhat deep cut. 'I'll bandage it at Schlatt's.' Travis glanced out the window, hearing the distant sirens and flashed of blue and red light. 'They heard.' He grabbed at the body and dragged her out before dropping her off the balcony.

A loud crack sounded.

Travis couldn't help but cringe, despite already being used to killing his friends. The male jumped onto the branch of a nearby tree and climbed down before escaping. In the shadows, he changed into a different jacket and ran off towards the Lünch Clubs house.


The boy scrolled through his phone, having already patched his cut with a roll of bandage. 'Schlatt can fix it for me.' "Travis?" Cooper quietly mumbled, peaking his head into the room. Seeing the sleep deprived brunette, he sighed softly. "Do you know what happened last night?" He only got a shake of a head. "Angel. They found Toxic dead. The neighbors heard the killer but the killer escaped." The dirty blonde mumbled before shaking his head. "We don't want you leaving house, okay? Noah and Josh set up alarms that'll alert our phones if you leave the house by door or... erm- we haven't added it to the windows yet but-." "Oh my god, Cooper, you are so sloww!" Charlie loudly shouted, followed with the slam of a door. "Alright. I'll see you later Travis." Travis only nodded in response, watching Cooper quickly leave the house.

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