Chapter 7

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"Do you want to become a knuckle sandwich?"

Shadow heard the threat by the echidna outside the bedroom door. He opened the door silently and peaked inside to not intrude the argument.

"You're such a hothead Knux, I won fair and square!" Sonic protested, putting on a smirk and closing his eyes.

Knuckles clenched his fists together, ready to know the azure hedgehog out.

"May I interrupt and ask what is going on here?" Shadow asked politely as he stood in the door frame, resting against it.

Knuckles turned around to face the ebony hedgehog and sighed. "It's nothing..."

"Didn't sound like it."

Knuckles shook his head, saying nothing as he left the bedroom, pushing past Shadow as he did. Shadow closed the bedroom door and looked back at Sonic.

"What did you do this time?" Shadow asked Sonic, sighing as he sat in the wooden chair.

"We were just playing a game, I won and he started having a go at me." Sonic explained rolling his eyes. "Knux always had a temper."

"That's stating the obvious." Shadow stated and the room fell silent.

Something's a little odd... It's not usually this quiet, Shadow thought but he wasn't complaining. He watched Sonic look at him as if he wanted to ask him something.

"Uh..." Sonic mumbled, fiddling around with fingers, looking at Shadow nervously.

"Spit it out." Shadow grunted. Why's he so nervous and shy?

Sonic bit his lip, pondering whether to bring the topic up or not. Shadow raised an eyebrow curiously. Shadow wasn't sure why Sonic was acting in such a way, he just seems somewhat out of character, what...

"The kiss..." Sonic muttered so quietly Shadow almost didn't hear it.

"What about it?" Shadow grunted in response, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Did you really do it to embarrass both of us?" Sonic asked curiously, looking Shadow straight in the eyes.

Shadow froze slightly, not expecting the question. I didn't really do it to embarrass... I did it to see what his reaction would be... And this wasn't what I was expecting... But I'm not too sure what I was expecting...

Shadow shrugged. "No... I didn't do it to embarrass both of us. I did it to see what your reaction would be."

"Really?" Sonic asked somewhat surprised. "You didn't have to steal a kiss you know."

"So, you're calling me a thief."

Sonic shook his head. "No, that wasn't what I was saying at all."

"So, what's the problem? I can see that this has got you very much on edge."

"Did you..." Sonic shook his head and laughed nervously as if what he was about to ask was stupid. "Never mind."

"It's better to get it out rather than keep it in, Sonic." Shadow sighed, take it seriously, I even said your name Faker.

"Don't worry about it, we can talk about this tomorrow or something." Sonic replied quickly, looking away from Shadow and out to the window.

Shadow grunted, fine, I'm not pushing it. He'll spit it out when he wants to.

"Amy left the cake over from yesterday, did you get some?" Sonic asked Shadow, looking back at him.

"Didn't you... Ah... Yes, I've had my fair share of cake." Shadow replied, turning away from the subject. Not that I actually like cake...

"Oh, okay." Sonic didn't question Shadow's sudden change in sentence.

The room once again became silence, not that it bothered Shadow. Shadow preferred silence over noise, but this was rather awkward and uncomfortable. He sighed as he stood up. "I'm getting a glass of water."

Sonic nodded, looking through the book he had been writing in.

Shadow walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and poured tap water into it. He leaned against the counter as he sipped the bland liquid.

Something changed when that happened, I have no clue what it is but I'm not sure if it's good.

Shadow put the empty glass on the kitchen table and went back to the bedroom. Sonic didn't even look up as he walked back into the room. I don't think rival battles are going to be quite the same anymore, Shadow thought as he watched Sonic furiously write in the book.

"You know, you can take your time. I don't want you destroying the book." Shadow suggested.

Sonic looked up away from his book to look at Shadow. A large smile on his muzzle as he chuckled. "I know that, I'm allowed to write fast if I want to."

"Well, with the way you're doing it, you won't have anything to write on."

Sonic smiled and went back to writing.

Shadow sighed. He leaned back in the wooden chair. Hm... I see what he means by 'there's nothing to do'. There really isn't.

Shadow closed his eyes, wondering how long the afternoon would take to get there.

He'd never been one for going out on a sunny day, but today was different.

He held the azure hedgehog in a bridal pose as he skated his way to the one lone tree near the corner of the park.

He put the sleeping hedgehog down, onto the fresh green grass and stood next to him, looking up at the sky.

It was clear and blue. Sky blue. It was like any other summer day, but it felt somewhat special and he had no clue why.

He looked back down at the sleeping Sonic and couldn't stop the smile from going onto his face as the blue hedgehog curled up into a ball.

There was something oddly cute about him... He couldn't understand what it was though.

"Shads? Hey! Wake up!"

It sounded like Sonic was calling from a distance, but Shadow knew he wasn't far away.

Oh great, I fell asleep again, Shadow thought as he opened his eyes. He looked at the blue hedgehog with slight confusion.

Wait... Did I just have a dream... What?

"I didn't want to awake you, but Tails got back and, for some reason, really wants you out of the house." Sonic explained to the ebony hedgehog.

Shadow nodded and stood up. He was about to reach out for the door handle when...

"And as you were sleeping, you were smiling..." Sonic commented.

Shadow turned to look at the hedgehog. "Didn't you believe I could smile?" And with that, he left.


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