Chapter 12

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Shadow opened the door to the bedroom and immediately froze.

Where is he?

That was the million dollar question. The injured blue hedgehog was nowhere in sight. Shadow dropped the plastic bag he was carrying on the table as he hurried to Sonic's bed.

Shadow looked all around the bed, but the azure hedgehog was no where to be found.

Oh no...

Shadow had the slightest idea of who might have kidnapped the injured hedgehog. He left the bedroom and went to Tails' workshop to see if the kitsune was in.

"Come in!" Tails called out, only looking up from his work when he saw it was Shadow walking in. He quickly stopped on whatever he was doing to his project and put his full attention to the ebony hedgehog. "What is it?"

"Sonic's gone." Shadow dully replied.

Tails widened his eyes and looked at Shadow with absolute shock, not understanding what he meant. "Gone?"

All the ebony hedgehog did was nod in response.

"What do you mean?" Tails asked.

"Well, I went out for some fresh air and when I went back to supervise him, he wasn't there. He was gone. But I have a clue as to where he might be." Shadow stated, a dark look on his face as he said it.


Shadow nodded. "Tell me where she lives and I'll go pay her a visit."

"First, I'm going to give you this and then I'll tell you were she lives." Tails grabbed a metal box from under the station he was working from and grabbed a small, round device. "Here, it's a communication device. I gave one to Sonic, but apparently it's 'not working'." He handed it to Shadow.

Shadow clipped the device to his wrist and waited for Tails' instructions.

Shadow slowed down to a walking pace and he approached the living area of Amy. It was oddly quiet, so he did his best to keep the noise down as he approached the building.

He looked in through one of the many windows and found an angry looking Amy guarding an unconscious Sonic, who was lying on a pink bed, his face giving a look of utter pain.

Shadow felt angered at the sight and quickly hid underneath as Amy was about to face his direction. He had his hands clenched and swore silently.

"She doesn't know what I've got in store for her. This time I will not go easy on her." Shadow silently told himself.

Once he noticed the coast was clear, he stood up and went to her front door, giving it a small, silent knock.

"Who is it?" Amy asked in a happy voice, that sound oddly forced.

"Guess." Shadow deeply muttered.

"This is the final straw." Amy stated, opening the door. This time Shadow was not imagining the fire in her eyes. It really was there.

Shadow curtly nodded.

"And this time, no interruptions." She gave him a crooked smile. She held her hammer to her side, ready for the on coming battle.

"Come outside. If we want to have this battle, we need to make sure the prize isn't harmed." Shadow smirked slightly as he moved away from her.

They walked away from the building and stood far enough away from eachother.

Amy screamed as she lurched herself at the ebony hedgehog, she swung her hammer over her head and then done onto the floor. Shadow dodge to the left of the attack and round house kicked Amy's hand.

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