Chapter 24

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Of course, his leg wasn't completely healed but he could at least stand a little tiny bit of weight onto it. Sonic grabbed the crutches off of the end of the bed and slowly made his way into the kitchen.

"What are you doing Sonic?" Tails asked, looking up at his best friend with surprise.

"Grabbing something to eat." Sonic simply replied as he went to the kitchen counter, leaning against it and grabbing an apple from the fruit basket.

"You could have just simply asked me to do it." Tails replied, standing up and walking to the opposite side of the counter, looking at the blue hedgehog with concern. "Be careful..."

"I'll be fine," Sonic smiled reassuringly as he placed the apple in his mouth and grabbed the crutches, moving to the living room's couch. He sat down and threw the apple into the air before catching it again. "It's not like I'm going far distances."

Tails shrugged. "That's true."

"Not to mention." Sonic started, looking at the young kit with a small dark smirk. "You are the one who basically set it up to break my leg. But... I suppose it'll just be a thing in the past and I have learnt a few things in this long, boring adventure."

Tails nervously smiled, nodding in agreement. He sighed. "Since you're out of the bedroom, I'll go and clean it up."

Sonic simply hummed in agreement as he continued to chew into the apple. Not very much of a snack, he thought as he looked at the apple, guess I'm too used to the things Shadow cooks.

Sonic sat back into the couch and looked at the ceiling as he held the apple near his lips, ready for another bite.

Hm... Wonder what will happen when I'm back on my feet and running... I suppose it'll be just like normal, winning against Eggman as always, having stupid arguments with Knuckles, avoiding Amy... fighting Shadow... Hm, I dunno about that one, doesn't sound very interesting to me.

"Why are you looking at the ceiling Faker?"

Sonic snapped out of his trance as he looked at the speaker, taking a final bite out of the apple. "I was just thinking. Anyway, what's up?" He asked as he threw the apple at Shadow, who caught it.

Shadow grunted as he threw the apple into the bin. "Nothing."

Tails walked out of Sonic's bedroom, carrying the bed sheets over his head.He stumbled over the sheets and fell onto the floor. The kit gasped in surprise as he threw the sheets off of his head.

"Here." Shadow took the sheets from the kitsune and put them on the kitchen counter to fold them up neatly. "I'll go and put these in the laundry."

"The washing machine is in there." Tails said, standing up and fluffing his tails as he pointed to a small room next to the bathroom.

Shadow gave Tails a small nod and went into the room.

"Are you alright Tails?" Sonic asked the fox with slight worry. "Didn't hurt anything, did ya?"

"Nah, I'm good." Tails smiled, shaking his head.

Sonic looked at the coffee table and noticed a crossword puzzle lying on it, half complete and with a pencil and dictionary next to it. He looked back at the kitsune and pointed to the crossword. "Were you trying to solve this?"

Tails nodded and frowned. "Yeah, but there are some words I couldn't find... I'm not very good at crosswords. There are other puzzles in that book though." The young fox walked over to Sonic and picked up the puzzle book, flipping through a few pages before finding one and putting back on the table. "There's a find-a-word."

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