Chapter 29

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Shadow watched, through the window, Sonic lie on the bed with his eyes closed, but his eye lids were flickering slightly. Shadow considered just Chaos Controlling in, but he thought against it. Things were bad enough as if was, teleporting in without notice would probably make things worse.

He went through the front door and went into the kitchen. A full day had gone by and the kitchen looked like it had been before. Dishes were in cupboards and everything was cleaned up. He's not eating...

Shadow looked down and shook his head. A full day had gone past and Tails hadn't awoken yet. Shadow looked back up and found Sonic's blue communication device on the counter. The ebony hedgehog picked it up and looked at it. No wonder no one has been able to get in touch with him. He gripped the device tightly, if there's was an attack, he wouldn't know! Selfish!

Shadow was fed up with how the blue hero was acting. Sure his best friend had been badly injured, but it's not like he's dead. Shadow took a deep breath as he grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water.

Upon walking to Sonic's room, he stood in front of the door and put an ear next to it.

He couldn't hear anything. It was completely quiet.

He knocked on the door.

No response.

"Faker, stop sulking." Shadow commented as he knocked on the door.

He heard a loud groan from behind the door before he opened it.

Sonic was turned away from the door, a pillow over his head.

Fine... "Sonic." Shadow said in a demanding tone.

"I'm beating myself up over it Shadow, I was just simply thinking of alternate things that could have happened." Sonic replied, his voice muffled by the pillow.

Shadow walked into the room and sat on the side of Sonic's bed, putting the glass of water on the table.

"Of which you have been keeping to yourself." Shadow threw the communication device onto Sonic.

"Like you have anything to say about it." Sonic shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from the ebony hedgehog.

"We are nothing alike. Out of anything I'd expect you to be doing, it's not this. What would people say if they saw you, Sonic The Hedgehog not only with a broken leg, that's almost healed, but sulking over something he'd never be able to undo." Shadow explained, facing away from Sonic and at the door. "So, this is how you've been spending the day. Lying around in bed. Haven't you had enough of that?"

"My leg isn't completely healed."

"Excuses! You were doing fine limping around."

Sonic sat up, turning to face Shadow, he looked at Shadow angrily. "And what use is that? I can't do anything by limping, can I?"

"You can move around, that's something."

Silence set between them with Shadow still looking away from Sonic.

Sonic looked at the communication device before putting it back on his wrist.

"No news?" The blue hedgehog asked silently.

The ebony hedgehog just, simply, shook his head.

"Is that water for me?"

Shadow picked the glass of water up from the table and handed it to Sonic. "Have you had anything to eat?"

Sonic drank the water in one gulp. "Nope. I haven't been feeling hungry." His stomach rumbled and he smiled shyly at Shadow. "Or at least... I wasn't."

Shadow got up and held a hand to Sonic. "Let's go."

"Thanks Shads." Sonic smiled as they walked along the footpath. Sonic had an arm over Shadow's shoulders making it look as if they were buddies when in fact, he was using the ebony hedgehog as a support.

When Shadow made a wrong turn at an intersection, Sonic looked at Shadow with confusion.

"Where are we going?"

"I got some news while you were eating." Shadow simply said and added nothing more.

It didn't take them long to reach the hospital that held Tails. Sonic looked at the building wearily before limping in with Shadow.

Shadow led him to the room where Tails lay and Sonic felt nervous. He couldn't understand why he was nervous, he couldn't understand why he didn't want to go in.

Shadow opened the door and dragged him in. Once he seated the blue hedgehog into the chair, he closed the door and turned to face the two-tailed fox.

Tails looked from one to the other and put on a force smile. "Hi Sonic."

Sonic waved. "Hi Tails. How are you feeling?"

Tails gave a weak laugh, wincing as he did so. "Hurt, mainly. I'll be alright according to the doctors."

Sonic looked at the floor, unable to say anything else.

"Miles, what is this... 'thing' that you were making that they wanted so much?" Shadow asked the young kitsune dully.

Tails' eyes widen open at the mention of his name, his smile turning to a frown quickly. "I wasn't ever making such a thing. I had no clue what they were going on about, seriously! They kept asking me where it was and I had didn't know what was going on. Someone must have told them this lie..." Tails' eyes began to water as he remembered the bullies cornering him against a wall. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Calm down Tails." Sonic said as he got up slowly and walked to the side of the hospital bed. He placed a hand on the edge, near Tails' hand. "It's not your fault, obviously someone set you up."

Warm tears streamed down Tails' face, Sonic wiped them away before they fell from his chin. Tails' eyes opened and he looked straight into Sonic's. Ignoring the pain it would give him, he hugged the blue hedgehog, sobbing quietly.

"I didn't... expect... the attack... otherwise I would... have...went... prepared."

"Sh... It's not your fault." Sonic hushed, patting the back of Tails' head. The kitsune sat back as Sonic put both hands on his shoulders. "You're going to be fine. If you want, someone can stay with you."

"Amy told me she'd be looking after me. She didn't want to leave the burden on you." Tails smiled.

"Alright." Sonic nodded. "See you later lil' bro!"

"Take care!" Tails waved them farewell as they left the room.

"Do you want me to support you again?" Shadow asked the blue hedgehog as they walked through the hospital.

Sonic laughed. "I quite enjoy slowing you down."

Shadow grunted as he grabbed hold of Sonic's hand and Chaos Controlled out of the hospital and into Sonic's bedroom.

"Aw, you're no fun." Sonic joked as he let go of Shadow's hand and sat on the edge of the bed. He smiled at Shadow. "Thanks Shads."

Things seem to be normal now, at least. "Take it easy."

Sonic shrugged. "Easy? That's a foreign word to me."

Shadow rolled his eyes. "Just don't do anything stupid."

"Bye Shads! Don't be too long!"


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