.Y/N is Angry.

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If you didn't read the description, I would read it! It's a very important backstory that won't really be addressed in the story.

Word Count: 2390 

Steve sighed as the jet hit a patch of turbulence. His hair was a mess and stringy from the many times he has pulled at it. He was distraught and you could tell, he was also angry at Stark for abandoning him and the team by not helping them through this. T'Challa helped them but it should've been Stark helping, after all he did owe them. He was brought out of his thoughts by Sam who shook his shoulder. 

"Hey man, we're almost there." Steve smiled at him, reassuring him that he was ok. But he wasn't. He missed Bucky a lot and couldn't wait to see him. Standing up and looking around at his teammates, he couldn't believe how separated they have became after some people saw the Siberia video. Nat, Clint, and Scott were in the corner avoiding Steve, Wanda, and Sam. His real friends stuck up up for him after watching the video, especially Wands, saying that Tony attacked first and that it wasn't Steve's fault. While the rest of the team stayed away from him. 

Even before, Lang didn't like Steve. He hasn't seen Cassie in a year and resented him for that reason. He was the one that turned the rouges over to the UN, and wasn't the only person that hated Steve Roger's guts. The jet jerked again as it landed on the ground, Steve let go of the breath he didn't realize he was holding and stood up, facing Wanda. "Whatever happens, just know that i'm by your side." She nodded and stepped off of the jet, followed by the rest of the rouges.

As they adjusted their eyes, they saw a girl with H/L H/C hair and piercing E/C eyes. She walked forward a bit as anger flashed across her eyes and she stopped in front of the rouges. Her eyes scanned them until she found who she was looking for, Natasha Romanoff. Y/N walked toward her and the rouges became tense, awaiting the next action the girl would take. Instead of doing anything drastic, Y/N hugged Natasha with all of her might, "I haven't seen you in so long Nat."

"I missed you приливный (Tidal)."

"Me too madre araña (Spider Mother)."

"I see you still speak Spanish."

"And you still speak Russian."

Y/N walked away from Natasha and turned to address the rouges with a now serious look on her face, "Hello rouges. My name is Y/N, but you can call me Mrs. L/N. Many things have changed over this past year and I hope you realize that you're not on top anymore." Wanda opened her mouth to say something but, Y/N glared at her and she closed it. "Anyways, In the compound there is the East and West wing, you guys are not allowed in the West wing. You each have your own room in the East wing though."

"Why aren't we allowed in the West wing?" Scott asked politely.

"The New Avengers reside in that wing." After Y/N spoke those words Steve, Wanda, and Sam looked up with a look of disbelief on their face. "Many of them are not happy about you guys being pardoned, i'm doing you a favor."

"A favor?! We have the right to reside in the West wing!" Wanda exclaimed furiously.

"Maybe someday you will, if you earn my trust." Y/N said in disappointment, "I am in charge of you guys since you're "part" of the Avengers Initiative, and making sure you don't hurt anyone ever again."

"Is that a threat?" Steve said in a dangerous tone.

"It can be."

Y/N wasn't happy that she had to keep an eye on the rouges since one of them almost killed her dad. When she found out what happened in Siberia she was furious and couldn't believe that Rogers would even do that. She felt numb when Vision found Tony lying on the ground dying. As soon as he carried him into the compound, he was rushed away and there was nothing Y/N could do to help except to pray. She didn't eat, drink, or sleep for days on end because of the worry.

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