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We're all born with a destiny, a duty we are unknowingly trusted with by The Force.

Some are born to do great things and go on to advocate for others whose voices cannot and will not be heard by those whose lives are blinded with blatant ignorance, they go on to fight the good fight for those who are unable to, they establish a sense of morality and peace wherever they step foot. Yet often times they are blinded by tradition and are stuck in their ways. Rejecting any notion that you are anything other than perfect. They are the light side of The Force.

Some are instead born to corrupt and destroy everything they touch, to bring misery to the innocents. These very same souls actively seek out the destruction of anything they desire, they seek out the support and endorsement of oppression of tortured souls as they see fit. Feeding off of hatred and fear, their goal is to divide and control the universe. They are the dark side of The Force.

Then there are those who understand the importance of balance, who see the importance of empathy and kindness, but also see the same importance in embracing fear, of embracing anger and sadness. They understand that to be able to fight the good fight you have to come to terms with your past and who you are. That to be the best you could be, you have to acknowledge your darkest parts and come to terms with who you are. They are the balance in The Force.

The Force is a powerful entity, it works in mysterious ways, allowing some to harness its power and use it at their whim. Steering the shift of the balance as they please. Force-sensitives, as they have been known to be called, are a force to be reckoned with.

Why does this matter anyway?

The Force as powerful as it may be is also very nurturing, allowing one to make their own decisions, leading them down paths that will all ultimately result in the same fate.

A cruel hand to live under, no doubt.

Yet, it is up to each and every one of us, to own up to our actions and take responsibility for the things that have made us who we are. To embrace and honor the sacrifices made by those around us so that we could succeed and flourish. To embrace the blood, sweat, and tears we have poured into our lives. To embrace the things that makes us who we are is the very definition of fulfilling our destiny.

However, it is not clear as to how we should go about this journey of acceptance and self love. That is why some choose to simply leave it up to The Force to drift them towards their destinies.

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