Ch 1 detention again...

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Please don't judge I haven't read all the books yet so.....yeah don't judge
Harry POV
Once again in detention with malfoy, like seriously why the crap do I get detention when it's malfoy's fault!!

Malfoy: potter chill out for merlins sake!!
He practically yelled at me

Harry: what the crap did I do!!
I shouted back in annoyance to him he stood up and was about to punch me. But he didn't like something came over him and he sat back down.

I raised my eyebrows in suspicion,
Maybe I can try to befriend him and see if he got the dark mark!! Omg I am an absolute genius!!

Harry: hey malfoy
I said he glanced at me in response,

Harry: uhm whats
I started I can't just go right ahead and ask him that's stupid. And plus then he'll know something is wrong.

Draco: what potter your really getting in my nerves!!
He hissed at me and had his usual cold hard look in his eyes.

Harry: uhm whats your favorite color?
I asked he looked at me weirdly for a few seconds but then mumbled it.

Draco: green. Why? What's yours?
I looked in surprise as he asked that, he just looked at me and shrugged.

Harry: oh uh red I guess
He looked at me and shrugged,
This is not going well I thought he's not falling into my trap. I need to know if he has the dark mark.

Harry: hey uhm dra-malfoy!!
He looks as me in surprise that I almost said his first name.

Draco: did you almost say my first name potter head
He said to me, I sighed realizing I can talk to him later.

An hour later
I jolted awake and feel out of my chair, but I never hit the floor. I opened my eyes slowly and then realized that malfoy was holding my waist.

He practically screamed and dropped me into the ground when he realized.

Draco: I-I was just waking you up potter, detentions over!!
He yelled and ran out of the room with his face as red as a tomato. Me still in shock on the ground trying to comprehend what just happened. Until.

Hermione: HARRY!!

Ron: we were worried about you being in here with malfoy. Are you alright?

Ron held out his hand and helped me up but I decided to tell them about my plan. After I told them they stood in shock.

Hermione: you know this is going to mean patience right he's not exactly and easy person to get through.

I sighed already knowing that.

Ron: sounds like a great plan but don't fall for anything he says!! He's a real git
We shared a laugh and walked out of the room. Onto a different topic, when we stepped into the common room. People were actually still awake. It was really weird at first but then we just imagined they were having a party.

Fred: didn't you guys hear!!
We all looked in confusion towards him, he grabbed our arms and basically dived into the pile of griffindors.

Ron: what's this about Fred
He started laughing his head off when we were out of the wya of other people.

Hermione: cmon Fred we all really need to get to bed soon.

Fred: okay well we all just found out that......!!
He burst into laughter again which not gonna lie basically killed us.

Harry: cmon Fred hermione is right we need to get to bed

Fred: okay chill....DRACO MALFOY IS GAY!!!
He yelled at us, hermione stood in shock, Ron burst out laughing. My mind flooded with questions.

Harry: how did you find out?
I asked suddenly becoming more and more curious.

Fred: well one of the Slytherins told us, and proved it to us.

Hermione: that's enough!! Let's go to bed
She said to us and walked upstairs into her dorm room. Me and Ron went up to our dorm.

Ron: you alright there mate
He called to me, I hummed in response to him, not really wanting to talk.

Ron: Harry do you know what this means!!
I looked up at him with confusion written all over me.

Ron: you can practically get anything out of malfoy now!!

Harry: y-you w-want me t-to blackmail malfoy!!
I practically screamed at him, he nodded his head eagerly.
It sounded like a good idea....but something was holding me back.

Draco Fucking Malfoy is GAY!!

Is that why he blushed when he caught me!!

Is he gay!?

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter to my drarry story!! I know I haven't read all the books yet but I've gotten a lot of inspiration. Love you guys and bye!!

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