Ch 19 both are broken

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3rd person POV
As the two boys hit the ground, hard side by side hand in hand. A smile and tears on both faces. Snape had come out from all the noise he heard. When he saw the two boys in the ground he didn't know what to do. He stood frozen until McGonagall walked out.

McGonagall: professor snape what are you-
She got cut off by looking at where he was looking. Towards the two boys she screamed and snape ran to get madam pomfrey. McGonagall ran over to the boys and grabbed there hands.

Whispering everything spell she could to try and keep them alive. Nothing was working so she brought them to madam pomfrey. She laid them down beside each other. Then did the hardest thing to do at that moment. She went to go get there friends

Harry's friends
When she walked into the common room everyone was sleeping. It was like usual so she went into the girls dormitory and got Hermione. Then got Ron and brought them to the common room.

They were very confused as to why she brought them out there. They stared at her blankly for a long time.

Ron: we didn't do anything....

Hermione: is there something wrong professor
She felt tears run down her face as she stared at the two students. They stared at her as she covered her mouth.

McGonagall: I'm sorry to tell you this

Ron: what's going on?

McGonagall: Harry fell off the astronomy tower
They both stood there letting the shock sink in. There best friend could be dead right now and they are standing here. She saw that hermione started to cry. She grabbed Ron's shoulder and cried into it. He held her as they went down the the hospital wing.

(Quick note she got draco's friends)
They walked in and they sat there friends and ran towards them.

Hermione: Harry you are such an idiot!

Ron: why mate!?
They were both crying near Harry but what none of them had noticed was.

Pansy: guys.....look
The four teens looked and saw that draco and Harry were still holding hands.

Ron: that stupid git probably pushed him

Pansy: are you stupid!?

Blaise: stop arguing
They all looked at him Ron was about to say something when they heard movement. They looked down and saw something black move up their friends arms. They stood in confusion until they called snape over. He stood staring in utter shock at the sight.

Hermione: what is it sir?

Snape: when both are broken only one can fix both

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter kind of sad I know but love you guys bye!!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now