Ch 16 he hit him!?

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Draco POV
I felt awful for potter I honestly didn't know what I would do. I never knew that the Dursley's abuse him. I always thought he lived a pretty good life. I looked down at him in my arms.

Harry: we can't keep skipping class...
I laughed knowing he was right my friends were getting suspicious. I knew his friends were too. Then I realized something some were fresh.

Draco: potter why are some of them fresh?
I felt him tense up, was he being bullied to? I needed to stop this before something worse happens.

Draco; potter answer the question.
I said harsher I just wanted to know what was wrong.

Harry: I'll explain later we have to get to class.
He said pulling out of my grip charming the scars and leaving. I sighed I'll ask him when later I guess. I walked out and went to snape's class. Knowing I wouldn't get in trouble for being 15 minutes late.

Snape: Mr Potter!! You are extremely late!
I heard Snape yell as I walked in I saw everyone look at potter then me.

Snape: go sit mr malfoy

Draco; actually sir he was with me I had to talk to him about roaming the halls at night again.
I said it wasn't a complete lie I mean part of it was true.

Snape: very well only 10 points from Gryffindor today mr potter
He nodded his head and went to his seat I followed. He sat down is his and I sat down in mine everyone stared at us.

Draco: sir would you mind telling everyone to mind their own business!
I hissed everyone turned around pretty quickly after that. I saw that Wesley and granger were trying to talk to potter. I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Weren't they friends why was he avoiding them.

Snape; today we are going to be making the draught of death I will assign partners.
He said a few names and them said me and potter. I usually would be annoyed at that but today I was happy. He slowly walked over and sat next to me.

After all classes
I was walking back to my common room feeling weirdly happy. As I was walking I heard something. I walked outside really quickly hearing not get louder.

Ron: What the actual fuck Harry!! I can't believe you!!

Harry: can't believe I what!? Was talking with malfoy!

Ron: Well yeah!! Are you and him like best friends or something

Harry: oh I get it your jealous!!

Ron: What would I be jealous of that git!!

Harry: I don't know you tell me tour the one who's jealous!!
All of a sudden their was a harsh slapping sound. I got out from my hiding spot and saw that Ron had hit Harry.

Ron: I honesty can't believe you...
He said turning away and leaving I felt my anger rising. When I knew he was gone I ran out and over to Harry. He didn't look shocked just angry and upset.

Draco:.........are you-
I was cut off as he jumped into my arms and started crying. I held him close, I couldn't believe that Weasley.

Draco: everything will be fine....Harry
I said hesitantly he nodded into my chest. After a few minutes he looked up at me.

Harry: I need to get back to my common room

Draco: the Weasley?

Harry: I'll avoid him...I'll be fine I'll talk to you tomorrow....

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Love you guys bye!!

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