Ch 21 kiss!?

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Harry POV
When me and malfoy had gotten out of the hospital wing again. We started to hang out a lot more. Him and Ron seemed to make up from all there old fighting. Blaise and Ron started to get a little too close. We were all just hanging out in the room of requirement.

Hermione and pansy were studying on the bed well more like hermione was trying to study and pansy wasn't having it.

Blaise and Ron were sleeping on the couch cuddling. I was talking with malfoy.

Draco: Harry....?

Harry: yes?

Draco: do you think that we could.....
I raised an eyebrow as he started to look down in fear. I crawled over and lifted his chin up with my finger.

Harry: hey tell me I won't be mad

Draco: do you want to maybe go out sometime?
He said in a really cute small voice I felt my face go red. I started to stutter like crazy he got up and was about to run.

I got up fast and grabbed his arm and turned him around.

Harry: o-of course!
I said with a little too much excitement I then heard cheering and clapping behind us. I whipped around and saw pansy hermione ron and Blaise clapping. Blaise whistled at us Ron laughed.

Pansy: he has wanted to ask you that for ages pottah!
She said with a laugh as Draco threw a pillow at her.

Draco: I have not!
He said looking away while blushing I walked over and out my head against his.

All: KISS..KISS!!!
They all yelled I hesitated for a second looking at him. He was looking away really red and embarrassed.

Fuck it!
I thought and put my lips to his I felt the shock but it soon melted away as he kissed back.

All: YASS!!!!!

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter yes it will be longer! Love you bye!!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now