Ch 2 the school knows

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Draco POV
As I walked out of my common room this morning. Everyone stared at me, I looked around uncertain for a minute. I caught up with pansy.

Draco: why is everyone staring at me?
I asked her in a whisper voice, she beckoned me to follow her into a closet.

Pansy: draco I heard rumors that a Slytherin told a griffindor that your gay
I felt my blood run cold I stared for a long time at her. That's true obviously but how did that Slytherin find out.

Draco: and they told the whole school.
I finished before she could say anything.

Pansy: oh dray I'm so so sorry
She said hugging me, I said nothing feeling my head want to explode.

Draco: can you please leave I want to be alone
She nodded her head and walked out the door, I felt myself slide down the wall. Feeling tears run down my face. What would happen if my father found out.

I then heard a familiar voice outside the closet I started listening.

Harry: hermione what do I do!?
I raised and eyebrow in suspicions and slowly stood up. I put my ear against the door waiting for hermiones response.

Hermione: Harry well I personally think the right thing to do would be to break up with her
I froze Harry is going to break up with the weaslette. But why!?

Harry: I know!! But what about Ron he's going to hate me

Hermione: no he won't he'll understand.
I rolled my eyes at that response, but I had to get out of this closet before I was late for class.

Harry: well thanks I'll see you later mione
I heard footsteps walk away, I heard a heavy sigh come from outside. Then I heard more footsteps come from the opposite direction.

Dracos mind: what the crap is that!!
I stayed silent listening to the loud footsteps as they approached Harry. Who was still standing outside the door.

Harry: oh hi Cedric
I felt myself gag in my mouth a little, I just want to leave. But I can't without anyone asking me why I was in a closet.

Cedric: hey harry~
I wanted to legit throw up, his voice just disgusted me. I heard cedrics footsteps walk towards Harry more. Until I heard a bang against a wall.

Harry: w-what are you doing
I felt my blood start boiling, I felt myself clench my teeth together to keep from growling.

Cedric: you know we would be a cute couple
I let out a low growl as I put my hand on the door handle.

Harry: I-I'm sorry I don't understand
Hearing him stutter like that just made me more angry at Cedric. But then everything went silent except more Harry's whimpers. I couldn't hole myself any longer.

I burst the door open and pushed Cedric to the ground. Growling at him, his eyes widened as I stood infront of Harry.

Cedric: finally decide to come out of the closet

Draco: I see you have too
I smirked at him as he stalked away, I sighed then I remembered. I turned around and saw Harry in the ground. He wasn't looking at me it was like he was still scared.

Draco: p-potter
I stuttered out his eyes widened and he looked up at me. I was sitting right infront of him he looked like he was crying. I put my hand on his cheek wiping his tears away.

Draco: hey it's okay
It looked like he didn't recognize me he jumped up and out his arms around my neck. I felt him cry into my shoulder.

Draco: hey it's alright potter
He smiled at me but then his face went right back to sad.

Harry: w-why does it have to be me who loses everything. What did I ever do!?
He whispered into my neck, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in to my lap.

Draco: you did nothing, some things just happen.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter of drarry. Things are so sad right now but that's okay. Love you bye!!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now