Ch 24 couples!?

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Draco POV
I got out of the hospital only a few days later but something was wrong. When we came back to school everyone started to talk. Like in small groups and look over at us.

Pansy: what the fuck are you all looking at!
She finally yelled getting fed up with them staring at us.

Random slytherin: you guys are gay!!??
He said with a laugh and turned back to his friends. I looked at pansy and Blaise we all stayed silent for a while. I shot my head up a few seconds later.

Draco: our parents!!!
I said quickly to them I could tell that caught there attention. We're all dead is what that means. Our parents are extremely homophobic we had panic written all over our faces.

Blaise then turned to the slytherin and asked.

Blaise: uhm how do you know that...?
He asked they stared at him for awhile until answering.

Rando slytherin: you don't know?

Pansy: know what?

Rando slytherin: it's all over the daily prophet about how the chosen one and his friends are dating you three.
He said we stared at him and got up fast and ran out of the great hall.

Blaise: were exactly are we going draco!?
He asked as we ran we stopped infront of the Gryffindor door. I growled and banged in the door.

I saw Ron open the door and we pushed him and walked in.

Ron: woah! What's wrong with you three!?

Draco: what's wrong is that the daily fucking prophet now has all of us as a couple!
I yelled at him feeling my anger rising Blaise stepped infront of him.

Blaise: don't yell at him!
He hissed I sighed and started to look around.

Pansy: where are hermione and potter
She said looking at ron.

Ron: oh there-
Then the common room door opened I walked over and pushed Harry against a wall. I growled at him pansy grabbed hermione before she could intervene.

Pansy: relax he's not going to hurt him
She said and they sat in the couch I turned to Harry.

Draco: did you know that the whole school knows about us
I hissed at him he looked at me in shock then hedwig came in.

Harry pushed me and walked over to her and grabbed the note.

Hermione: who's it from?

Harry: it's from Sirius!?
I walked over and read the note over his shoulder.

Dear Harry
Why didn't you tell me and Remus you were gay!? That's honestly awesome! I'm so happy for you but about the draco malfoy part not so much. But I'll try to accept you and him together! Love you Harry your parents would be proud!

Love Sirius!

I lightly laughed and looked at Harry as he looked down his face red.

Ron: how does the daily prophet know about us?

Blaise: we don't know

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love ya bye!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now