Ch 31 hermione and draco

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Hermione POV
I was in the common room doing homework, I should probably be in bed but I had to finish this. It's due next week! I sighed and got up.

I can probably go see winky in the kitchen, see how she's doing
I thought and smiled and left the common room. It was really late around probably 2 am. I continued to walk around the castle when I stepped into the kitchen. I saw Dobby, and Winky.

I was in there for a whiling talking with dobby and trying to talk to winky but she refused.

2 hours later
That's when I realized I was in there for two hours, I started to freak out I said a quick goodbye and left. I stopped when I tripped over something in the hallway.

Hermione: AHH
I yelled as I hit the ground.

Hermione: ow!
I hissed and sat up straighter I turned and looked at what I had tripped over. It was malfoy....

Hermione: M-Malfoy..!?
I said shocked, I looked around and that's when I saw blood on his hands and bruises. He was crying. I felt horrible for him, I realized I never forgave him for what he had said to me. I sighed and shook him lightly. He starts to stir until he opened his eyes.

Draco: h-hermione.......?
He asked looking at me, I smiled lightly at him. His lip started to quiver as he sat up and grabbed me and hugged me. He started sobbing into my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around him, I wanted to ask him what happened. But I didn't, he would tell me when he was ready.

10 minutes later
He finally spoke as he let go of me.

Draco: I had this of being......killed....
He sobbed into his hands putting his back against the wall again. My eyes widened, I didn't say anything for a minute.

Draco: I want her back hermione
He whispered, I nodded my head and sat next to him. He put his head on my shoulder, I put my arm around him.

Draco: I don't want to be in this pain anymore hermione

Hermione: I know, I know
I said lightly he grabbed me closer, I held him. I didn't have to get back right away. So we just sat there slightly talking and slightly in silence.

Just to be clear I don't ship dramione I just love this friendship! But if you do ship it it's okay! Love ya guys bye!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now