Ch 26

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Draco POV
I woke up in the Gryffindor common room with people talking all around me. I slowly started to open my eyes I then sat up. Everyone stopped talking and stared at me. I finally looked up and noticed a lot of Gryffindors that we're not hermione ron or Harry we're around me.

Draco: uh.......
I started but then a girl screamed and then they all gasped really dramatically. I looked in annoyance and confused at why I was still here. I looked up when the weaselette grabbed my arm and yanked me into the girls rooms.

Draco: why the hell and I in here gin-

Ginny: look at tour arm dumbass!
She yelled I looked down and saw my sleeve was up. My dark mark was being showed to them.

Draco: omg.....
I said and looked at her she nodded I sat on her bed.

Draco: where did the others go?

Ginny: they went-
All of a sudden the door opened then slammed shut and it was Luna.

Luna: sorry for almond the door it was a lot of other people where trying to-
She stopped when she saw my arm and looked at me.

Luna: your a-

Ginny: call down Luna

Draco: where are the others!?

Ginny: they went to Dumbledore! To have him tell the ministry to take down the cameras or whatever!
She said and turned back to Luna I got up and went into the bathroom.

10 minutes later
All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door I started to wipe my tears fast. But I heads them say alohomora and open it. It was Harry he stopped and stared at my face. He ran over and hugged me tightly.

Harry: I'm so so sorry that I left you here!
He said I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder.

Harry: it's okay we'll figure something out

Draco: no we won't

Harry: what do you mean?
He said pulling away from me his hands still on my shoulder. I stared into his emerald green eyes.

Draco: cause my father is out of Azkaban and is home....he wants me to come home

Harry: but next year-

Draco: he doesn't want me coming next year

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love ya bye!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now