Ch 30

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Draco POV
It was late in the night so I got up slowly and careful not to wake Blaise. I slipped out of the common room and started to walk around the school. I had no idea where I was going. Until I heard in the distance a scream.

I stayed where I was for a few seconds debating on whether or not to go see what it was. I shrugged when I didn't hear anything for the next few minutes. As I was walking around I felt a sharp pain in my head. I let my knees unbuckle from beneath me. I hit the ground hard with my hands placed on my head.

I started seeing the one thing I was wishing to forget.

Dracos mind-
He had her by the throat, blood was everywhere. He was screaming at her, yelling about how he could do what he wanted.

Voldemort: I can do whatever I like women! Your little bitch!!
He had screamed and kicked her to the ground, he pulled out his wand. Another person came down and went near the women in the floor. She sobbed.

Bellatrix: you can't kill her! Please!!
He didn't listen, he evilly smiled at her with a horrible smile. He raised his wand and pushed Bella out of the way. He smiled as Lucius came down. He stared in horror at his wife who was bleeding out on the ground.

Voldemort; you failed me Lucius...I told you, you would pay!

Lucius: you can't do this! Please!!
He sobbed Voldemort shrugged and said the speed. She was dead within a few seconds...her eyes were wide open.

Out of dracos mind
I opened my eyes after a few minutes, nobody was around me. I looked up and saw I was still in the hallway where I was before. I slowly got up. I leaned against the wall for support until I finally punched it!

I kept punching the wall until my hands and the wall were bloody. I sobbed quietly into my hands. And slid down the wall.

Hey guys guess what! I'm not dead! Yay.....but uhm I had a schoolwork to do. I will be posting the other chapters hopefully tomorrow! I am sorry for making you wait for these chapters! Just school is stressful. Love you loves! ❤️

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now