Ch 3 why!?

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Draco POV
He seemed to of caught on that it was me holding him close. He jumped away from me and glared before getting up and running. I sighed and got up and started walking to my class.

That night
I lay awake in my bed trying to figure out just life at this point. It just seemed to weird that I started caring about potter. That isn't like me to do and as I have already gotten the dark mark it makes even less sense. I should be glaring angry at him or happy to see him scared.

But that just didn't come to me, something else took over. It was really weird, I just have to avoid him.

That morning was Saturday which meant that most of the slytherins has left to do whatever. I stayed in my room. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I pulled up my sleeve to reveal the dark mark I had gotten. It was like a weapon or a reminder of what I had to do.

I felt tears come down my face, why couldn't everything just be normal. Like why couldn't potter just not exist!! Or Voldemort or anyone why can't the world just end!!

I thought bitterly as I realized my lip was bleeding at this point. I sighed and cleaned it up, got dressed and left. I felt people stare as I walked down the hall. I turned and saw a group of girls look at me and laugh.

Girl: are you really gay?
She asked in her girly high voice which honestly made me want to throw up. I said nothing and just pushed past her. I had to get away.

Why didn't I just stay in the dorm!? I thought bitterly again but then walked outside. Feeling myself calm down at the quiet. Until I heard voices I knew those voices all too well.

Ron: malfoy move.
I heard the weasel hiss from behind me, I said nothing and just kept walking. I could tell surprised them.

Hermione: malfoy wait!!
I stopped and glanced back as she came running towards me.

Draco: what granger...?
I said in not my normal voice feeling myself start swaying. Lightly enough that they didn't notice, not yet atleast.

Hermione: never mind..
She said clearly she had seen my face and knew not to bother me. The weasel grabbed her arm and practically dragged her away. Potter just walked past me. Not saying a word until I heard him whisper.

Harry: astronomy tower at 12
He hissed in my ear and ran to join the weasel and mudblood. I just stood there feeling really dumb.

That night at 12
I had finally convinced myself to go up to the tower. Feeling as it might be a trick I brought my wand just incase. He was late as usual but I just stood there.

Feeling myself start to fall asleep I heard footsteps coming. I opened my eyes and watched as Potter came running in.

Harry: sorry I was late!!
He said putting his hands on his knees gasping for breath.

Draco: really Potter I think you need to work on your stamina
He glared at me for a minute until he sighed and beckoned me to sit next to him. I hesitantly walked towards him and sat down. It was a long silence.

Draco: why'd you bring me here
I whispered lightly incase anyone else came up. He sighed and finally turned towards me and said.

Harry: malfoy I want to know why you helped me the other day
I felt my blood run cold as I feared this would happen. Cause I didn't even know the answer to this. I had to come up with a lie fast.

Harry: take your time
He mumbled and turned away, as my brain was trying to process everything. Until I finally said.

Draco: why do you want to know
I said with a sneer on my face as I said it trying to sound confident. But the opposite happened he just sighed.

Harry: I think I have a right to know right?
He said, I couldn't answer to that What an I suppose to say.

We sat in more silence which was killing me at this point.

Harry: well?

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading it honestly didn't think this would get any reads. But thank you so much!! ❤️❤️

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now