Ch 11 to madam pomfrey......again.

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Harry POV
As I was walking out to try and find malfoy out in the hall for prefect duty. I couldn't find him it was really ridiculous. I didn't expect it too be this hard to find him. He honestly is that hard to spot and yet I couldn't find him.

As I kept looking I felt my head start to hurt like really bad. I didn't understand what was happening until I hit the ground.

In the dream
Omg back here again why can't I just block this out of my mind. I don't even understand what this is. I got up and started looking around for people talking.

Voice 1: you can't kill my son

Voice 2: narcissa I can do whatever I want

Voice 1: can't do this

Voice 2: I can and I will if your going to get in my way you will die too

Narcissa: I'd rather die than have my son die

Voice 2: So. Be. It.
I heard the voice say and then I saw a flash of green light. As the women named narcissa fell to the ground. That was the same curse that killed my parents. Avada Kedavra.

I felt sick to my stomach as I watched him pick her up. He walked away with her body to probably prove he can kill everyone who disobeys him.

Out of the dream
I shit my head up which was a horrible idea cause I felt pain immediately hit me. It felt worse than when my uncle beat me.

Ron: Mate your awake!!
I looked up at Ron and hermione who were sitting beside my hospital bed.

Harry: where am I?

Hermione: your in the hospital wing.

Harry: what happened?

Hermione: madam pomfrey asked us the same question and we have no clue.....we don't even know who brought you here.

Madam pomfrey: thank goodness your awake potter. Do you have any idea what happened

Harry: I remember feeling dizzy and I remember blacking our and hitting the ground

Madam pomfrey: do you remember what you were doing out of bed?

The truth was I remembered exactly why I was out of bed. I couldn't just tell her about the dream she wouldn't understand.

Harry: no I can't seem to remember

Madam pomfrey: your lucky that Mr malfoy caught you before you hit the ground Potter or you could if suffered a severe concussion.

I felt my heart stop he saved me which meant he knew I was under the invisibility cloak. For some reason it comforted me to know he maybe cared.

Ron: excuse me did you say malfoy
Ron coughed up and looked at her like she was crazy. Same with hermione except she saw my face and smiled.

Madam Pomfrey: I must have forgotten to tell you two. You too have to leave he will be out tomorrow.

Ron: but!!

Madam pomfrey: no buts Ronald leave.
Ron sighed and grabbed Hermione's and they left the room. I sighed as they left and madam pomfrey just looked at me.

Madam pomfrey: goodnight mr potter

Harry: night
I called as she left to go back to her office I started thinking.

How did malfoy know I was under the invisibility cloak? Why did he catch me?

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter I like this one a lot I feel it came out pretty good. Love you bye!!

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