Ch 9 the dream!?

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Harry POV
I laid on the bathroom floor for a few minutes trying to think of why malfoy helped me. I still had my plan in mind of what I wanted to do. I just needed to get close to him. I slowly got up feeling my head pound again.

I started walking when I got back to my common room. Knowing everyone was already in class I went in. I was going to try and go to sleep.

In the dream
As I looked around the room it didn't feel like my common room. Me being the stupid person I am started to panic. Until I realized it was only a dream. I started to see green and silver like everywhere.

Am I in the Slytherin common room!?
I thought instantly started to panic in how I got in here. Then I remembered it was only a dream. I started walking around until I heard voices talking.

Voice 1: I can't tell him

Voice 2: he has the right to know you idiot

Voice 1: I can't do it pansy
Okay so the 2 voice was pansy Parkinson's alright.

Pansy: you have to tell him dray
I instantly realized who the other person was and why he sounded familiar. It was draco malfoy.

Draco: pansy he's going to kill me I can't do it
I heard a sigh come from pansy I think it was but I didn't know why. I heard her say one last thing befor she walked upstairs.

Pansy: you never know until you try
She said back and left draco alone. I got up from behind the couch and walked over to him. He looked awful like he was crying as he slid down into the chair. I felt a pang if guilt feeling as if it was my fault he was crying.

Draco: she's right but I can't let my father know
I heard him say I had a questionable look on my face.

Draco: how do I tell my father I'm gay...?

Hope you enjoyed This chapter and the fact that it's a little longer than last chapter. Bye guys!!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now