Chapter 1: Hogwarts Express

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Disclaimer: Most character belongs to the amazing JK Rowling, I only own the plot and a few smaller side characters.


"Remember to study for your OWLs," Hermione said, tucking a lock of stray red hair behind my ear, "It is going to be very important for your future career at the ministry, right?" She said, exaggerating on the word ministry, looking at Ron specifically.

"Hey!" Ron said, holding his hands up, "I just said that she should at least consider having a career in Quidditch! She's a great chaser, and there will be a lot of open spaces when she graduates! Plus there are a lot of great teams like Holyhead Harpies, a great all-female team, Puddlemore United, you know, the old Gryffindor captain, Oliver Wood was on that team, and of course," He looked back at me meaningfully, "Chudley Cannon?"

"Ronald!" Hermione hit his arm, "Being a Quidditch player is not a stable job! And it is extremely unsafe,"

"Rosie!" I heard a voice call out from behind me, a boy with dark, untidy hair and familiar green eyes,

"Al!" I cried out, embracing him in a hug, he wrapped his arms around me and twirled me around,

"I missed you this summer Red," James said, coming our way,

"James!" I called out, giving him a hug as well, "Sorry, I was studying for my OWLs,"

"Seriously?" James exclaimed, "When I was in fifth year last year, I didn't start studying until the end of the year!"

"Which is exactly why you only got four OWLs last year! That's almost as bad as Uncle George!"

"A Quidditch player don't need good OWLs,"

"Still," I said, "Anyways, where's Lily?"

"Probably already on the train, snogging Lorcan," Albus replied,

"Lorcan?" I asked, confused,

"Lorcan Scamander, those two got together this summer, and I most definitely do not approve," James said,

"Oh, little Lily's got a boyfriend?" I said, smiling, "How cute!"

"Not cute if you have to see them everyday, snogging right and left," James said, "Seriously, I walked in on them snogging more times than I can count,"

"Just be glad they aren't shagging each other yet," Albus says, "Though I swear, the other day when I caught them in Lily's bedroom, they were about to,"

James made a gagging motion and I laughed, then a flash of pale blonde hair caught my eyes. Scorpius.

"Ugh, that son of a Malfoy," Ron said behind me, "He looks just as rude and obnoxious as his father,"

Ron always hated the Malfoys, it's not an uncommon fact. He freaked out when he found out Albus was friends with him, I can't even imagine what he'd say if he found out that I was friends with him too. This is exactly why we, as in Albus, Scorpius, and I voted against telling him.

"Promise me you'll beat him in the OWLs,"

I smiled, "Of course,"

I turned to find Scorpius looking at me, blushing, I smiled and held a hand up to say hi. Unfortunately, Ron noticed the small gesture I made.

"Who are you waving to?"

"Oh um, I thought I saw someone I knew," I lied, "It, um, wasn't that person,"

"Okay?" He said, but didn't look convinced, "Train's here, bye Rosie, see you at Christmas!" Ron kissed my forehead,

"Bye Honey," Hermione said, giving me one last hug, "Do you have everything? Your books? Your quills? Your owl?"

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