Chapter 13: Butterflies

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I felt my heart skip a beat as I attempt to comprehend what just happened, Timothy just dared Rose to kiss whoever the bottle points to and it pointed to me. I can hear my heart pounding loudly, as I felt a smile slip onto my face.

"Well, at least it's not Albus," Rose shrugged, standing up, walking towards me and I stood up as well. She leaned forwards until our faces were merely inches away, I nearly groaned when she stopped, "Ready?" I nodded, "Then on three. One..."

I smirked, "Two..."

"Three," We both leaned forwards at the same time, our lips touched and I felt fireworks exploding in my heart and fluttering in my stomach. Butterflies as many called it. A feeling I am quite familiar with, seeing that it is a sensation I get every time I see her. The sensation which began when I first met her by a shelf in Flourish and Blotts, fingers flipping thoughtfully through the pages, face full of pure delight. The butterflies never really left, whether it is strong, a swarm of butterflies, filling his stomach, not leaving any space left. Or one, small, singular butterfly, soft, but not unnoticeable if you pay attention.

The butterflies, which make me stutter and embarrass myself. But it also makes me feel the feelings I feel for her, knowing that she can make me smile even on the worst of days, make my heart beat so hard I'd think that it would burst out of my chest.

Rose pulled back, her face red, "Anyways, my turn," She tapped her chin thoughtfully. I furrowed my brow, what? Is that it, that was one of the best things that happened to me, something I've been waiting for since first year and she just regarded it as nothing but a dare? "Dominique, who is your favourite cousin?"

"Wha-How, I mean- You can't ask me that," Dominique sputtered, throwing her hands up,

"Well then," Albus said, pushing a bottle to her, "You know what to do,"

She sighed and downed the bottle, "Hugo!" She called, "Who's your crush?"

Hugo turned red, hands shaking, he took a swig of veritaserum, "A Ravenclaw," He muttered, "Jordan,"

Lily clapped her hands together, "Ooo, who is she?" And Hugo muttered something indecipherable, "Pardon?"


"Your turn," Rose said, gesturing for Hugo to continue,

"Dominique," Hugo narrowed his eyes at her, "Who is your favourite cousin?"

"You can't do any repeats," She said, crossing her arms across her chest

"Then who is your least favourite,"

She narrowed her eyes at Hugo and Rose, "Well right now either you or Rose." They both laughed nervously as she turned to me, "Scorpius, let's see, I dare you to..."


The night went by in a blur, from cake to laughter to Scorpius turning into a big yellow canary after being dared to eat one of Uncle George's inventions. Don't ask. But as it got later, the party ended, everyone left their presents to Scorpius by his bedside and wished him a happy birthday before retiring to their respected dorms. Soon, all who are still here was me, Albus, and of course, Scorpius.

"Neat, you've got a new broom servicing kit!" Albus exclaimed, tearing open one of Scorpius' presents,

"You do know that he's supposed to be the one opening his presents," I said, exaggerating 'his',

"Oh come on, we're buds eh," Albus nudged Scorpius,

"Yes, but as Rose said, these are mine and I would like to open them myself," Scorpius said, unwrapping the rest of his presents. In total, he got the broom servicing kit, multiple sugary delights from Honeydukes, and a couple of new gizmos and gadgets from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

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