Chapter 4: Quidditch Tryouts

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"...So please finish reading this chapter in your head quietly. We shall discuss this chapter as a class in a couple of minutes," Professor Rowan said cheerfully. Ugh, she is so annoying, from what I learned in the past half hour of class, she is pureblood who hate any who isn't and think that all other magical and nonmagical beings are lower than 'people like us' as she says.

"Hey Scorpie," Elizabeth said, moving his chair to face me, twirling a lock of her dirty blonde her around her finger,

"Hi Elizabeth," I said, annoyed.

"You can call me Eliza or Lizzie for short if you want," she purred,

"No thank you,"

"Anyways I was wondering what are you doing, say an hour or two before dinner?"

"Well, I am planning to go to watch the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts out in the stands,"

Rose turned at the mention of the word 'Gryffindor', "What?"

"I'm just telling her how I will be watching your Quidditch tryouts," I smirked,

She narrowed her eyes, "Why? To spy on us and see who you're competing with? Because if so, you'll find that this year's Gryffindor team will be better than ever!"

I grinned, "I don't judge that for a moment," I looked into her beautiful brown eyes causing Rose to blush and ducked down, sticking her nose back into the DADA textbook. Wait she blushed? Does that mean she likes me too? Could she be returning my feelings? I sighed, my brain is just being a big ol' hope generator, always trying to think that something is not what it is.

"Oh," Elizabeth said sadly, but then perked up, "Well maybe I can join you,"

"Well, um, I don't think-" I started but got interrupted by the bell, ringing out exactly three times, it stopped abruptly.

"Great meet you there! It's a date!" She squealed, leaping up from her desk,

"It's not a- oh never mind," I said as Elizabeth disappeared from sight,

"So, got a date with a dumb blonde?" Rose says amused,

"Hey, not all blondes are dumb," I gestured to my hair, "Like me?"

She snorted, standing up, grabbing her books, "But you're still dumber than me,"

I stood up, stepping forwards so that our faces are only inches apart, "Just watch me get better OWLs than you,"

Rose laughs, "Oh, we'll see about that," she said, taking a step forward as well, trying to intimidate me.

"Are you two going to kiss?" Albus asked suddenly, walking towards us,

"What!" We both cried out at the same time, jumping away from each other,

"Merlin's beard, why so jumpy?"

"Why did you say that!" Rose said,

"You guys just seem like you were about to kiss, with the way you were looking at each other and all,"

"Yes because Rose glaring at me is totally romantic and looked like she was about to kiss me," I said sarcastically, but a less conscious part of my brain is actually hoping that it was what it is.

"Oh well," Albus shrugged as if it was nothing, which it was definitely not, "I have Divination, you have Muggle Studies, and you have..."

"Care of Magical Creatures," Rose said once it was clear that Albus doesn't remember her subject, "Well," she hugged her books to her chest, "It was great sharing the past two classes with you, but thank Merlin I don't have to see you guys until the end of the day,"

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