Chapter 10: Jack O'Lanterns

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A pillow hits my face. No, I'm serious, someone threw a pillow at my face. There I was, having a nice dream about flying on the back of a dragon when a big, fluffy, not to mention extremely heavy pillow hits my face.

"Wake up!" A familiar voice sounded,

"What the- Rose!" Albus screamed from his bed, which was across the room from mine, I heard grumbles coming from the other two beds in the room, occupied by Parker and Sean, supposedly woken up by the loud alarm clock also known as Rose.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" She exclaimed, opening up the curtains, letting in the blinding sunlight and whipped off both Albus and my sheets, "It's Halloween!"

I groaned, my hands covering my eyes, letting it adjust to the light. I felt cold without my sheets to cover me, colder than normal. I looked up to see a blushing Rose standing in front of me, her face as red as a carrot, looking, well, not my eyes, but lower, at my chest. That's when I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt. My eyes widened, grabbing my blanket and covering myself, feeling a blush crept onto my face. What was she looking for? Did she like the view- shut up mind! I shook my head, attempting to keep the disturbing thoughts out.

I looked back at her, still staring, and I can't help the edge of my lip turn up into a smirk,

"What, do you like the view?" I said smugly, she snatched the pillow back and began hitting me repeatedly with it. Feathers flying up into the air as I yelped, "Hey! Stop it!"

She grinned, "Oh come on, you deserved that. Erm, well, I let you guys change," Rose said awkwardly, "Put on something warm, and you," she pointed at me, "Put a bloody shirt on! Meet me downstairs when you're finished," And with that, she hurried out of the room, down the stairs, presumably waiting in the Slytherin common room- wait what? Slytherin common room? How did she get into the Slytherin common room? I'll have to ask her later, I thought hurriedly as I pulled a red, wool sweater over my head and slipped on a pair of dark blue jeans.

"You ready?" I asked Albus, who was still in his blue and yellow pyjamas and obviously not ready,

"Yeah," He mumbled, still half asleep,

I raised an eyebrow, "Levicorpus!" I shouted, raising my wand,

Albus yelped as he was dangled up in the air upside down, "Put me down!" He screeched,

Chuckling, I said, "Well, at least that woke you up, Liberacorpus!" I snickered as Albus dropped with a thud to the ground.


"Come on," I pulled him back up to his feet, "We don't want to keep Rose waiting," I headed towards the door,

"You mean you don't want to keep her waiting!" Albus said, "Because you love h-"

But before he can finish that sentence I whipped out my wand once more from my pants pocket, "Silencio!"

Albus instantly dropped quiet.

I grinned, "You know what, I think I like mute Albus much better than talking Albus,"

* * *

"How did you get in the Slytherin common room," I asked Rose as we started towards the Great Hall,

"I used my cunning and persuasive speech and charming personality to get Duke Elliot to let me in," Duke Elliot was the portrait hanging on the door of the common room, who supposed to be keeping non-Slytherins out. He is obviously not doing that well on that part.

"No seriously, how did you get in," I said in a deadpan voice.

She laughed, "Do you have no faith in me?" Albus and I both gave her a look and she sighed, "I told him that I will put in a good word for him to the Fat Lady." She lowered her voice, "Between you and me, I think he likes her."

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