Chapter 6: Servant for the Day

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I woke up to pecking at the window, I looked up to see a familiar horned owl at the closed window next to my bed.

"Someone tell that owl to go away!" Marissa Gordan, one of my three other roommates cried out, smashing his head into her pillow,

"Yeah! Some people need their beauty sleep, I don't just wake up like that!" Bianca Kennedy said, lifting up her pink glittery sleeping mask off her eyes.

"Shut up Bianca! It's time to get up anyway," Kelly Roberts said, finishing tying up her tie, "I'm going to head down to the Great Hall for breakfast, anyone coming?"

I shook my head, "I'll meet you there later,"

Shivering as I slipped out of bed, opening the window, I took the note attached to the owl's feet. Unwrapping the note, I read;

Good luck being my servant for the WHOLE DAY! ~ S.M.

Sighing I got dressed and walked downstairs.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking over at the crowd of people gathering at the corner of the common room.

"They posted the Quidditch results! Come look!" Farrah called to me,

I rushed over excitedly, peering over at the list.

2022 Gryffindor Quidditch team

Seeker- James Potter

Keeper- Logan Holman

Seekers- Farrah Hayes, Eleanor Parker, Rose Weasley

Beaters- Fred Weasley, Lily Potter

"Yes!" I cried, throwing my arms in the air, "I got in!", I smiled as I acknowleged that it was still the same three chasers. We work well together and I'm glad that James did not tear it apart.

"Wait a second, more than half of the team are Potters and Weasleys!" Jayden cried, "The captain must be biased on choosing seeing he chose three of his family members on the team!"

"You're just mad that you didn't get on the team!" Hugo exclaimed, standing up next to me,

"Says a Weasley, I bet next year, if you try out, you'd get on the team too, just because you're a family member of the captain!"

"First of all, I would never try out for a sport as childish and dangerous as Quidditch," Hugo got that from Hermione, who too hated Quidditch, "Second of all, did you see how determined James is at winning, he would never in a million years choose someone who is incompetent or may jeopardize his team from winning!"

"That's what you think," Jayden sneered, walking closer beside him so that she is looming over him. "And when you lose this year, you will all regret not putting me on the team. You all better watch out," She looked at me, "Especially you, Weasley, you took my rightful place as chaser. Prepare to regret that."

I gulped, this is certainly an interesting way to start a morning.


"What are you smiling about?" Albus asked, milk dribbling down his chin as he scooped in more spoonful of cereal into his already full mouth.

"You'll see," I said, my eyes focused at the door, awaiting a certain redhead, the words barely left my mouth as Rose strode into the Great Hall, her face contorted in anger.

"Hey Rosie! Sit over here!" I shouted, knowing that she has no other choice. The surrounding Slytherins gaped at me,

"Bad enough that you're friends with a Gryffindor, but now you're inviting them to join our table?!" Hissed a dark-haired girl sitting across from me but I ignored her.

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