Chapter 2: The Feast

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"Excuse me, is Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy here?" A tall blonde Hufflepuff girl whom I recognize as this year's head girl said, opening the door, "Oh, there you are, we need all the prefects to gather in the front compartment to assign your patrols."

"Oh right!" Rose said, jumping up, "I can't believe I forgot!"

I stood up after her, following the head girl through the narrow path to the front of the train car.

"Here they are," Head girl announced to the rest of the prefects all squished into one compartment. The compartment was about twice as big as the normal compartments, but everyone was still quite a bit squished. So we decided to just stay standing up.

"Okay," said a boy with short black hair and is wearing a Ravenclaw robe, "Welcome all prefects, my name is Brian Walters, the head boy and that is Diana Wright, the head girl. We all expect you to be on your best behaviour seeing that you are now supposed to be setting an example to younger students."

"Now as all of you may already know," Diana began, "Each night, there will be four switch offs, nine to twelve, twelve to three, three to six, and six to nine. There are twelve pairs so everyone will have patrol about every two or three days. Older prefects will have three whilst the younger two. You are supposed to send anyone wondering out in the corridors after curfew or causing trouble to detention. You can choose the pairs, seeing that Headmistress McGonagall wants to encourage inter-house relationship. Blah, blah, blah, and you know the rest,"

Brain stared at her, "Seriously, how did you become head girl!"

Diana shrugged and gave him a mischievous smile, "I have no idea,"

I opened my mouth about to ask Rose whether if she wants to be my partner when a girl with long brown hair and a pointed face with sharp features came in front of me. Ashley Houston, who is part of one of the oldest pureblood families, the Houstons, and is apparently obsessed with the Malfoy line.

"Hey Scorpie," She said in her annoyingly high voice, "So, do you want to be partners? We'd get to have a lot of alone time together," She said seductively, moving closer,

"Oh um," I started nervously then flashed Rose a 'help me' sign,

"Actually," Rose said, walking towards us, coming to my rescue, "He already asked me to be his partner. And I said yes,"

Ashley ignored, "Oh I'm sure that you'd rather partner with me than a halfblood, who is also a Weasley," She said, glaring at her,

I narrowed my eyes at her, feeling anger burst out of me, "I would choose her over an obnoxious pureblood like you any day!" I spat to her, then turned to Rose, "We should go get our patrol times."

She nodded, her eyes still wide after what I just said.

"Okay, Weasley, Malfoy, you're going to be patrolling every Tuesday and Thursday, nine to twelve," Brian informed us, "Now remember, being a prefect has its responsibilities...."

* * *


We enter the great hall awaiting the sorting ceremony, separating into our own house tables, Alice to the Ravenclaws, Albus and Scorpius at the Slytherins, and me at the Gryffindors.

"So who do you think is going to be our new Defence Against Dark Arts teacher?" I asked Lily, Professor Clyde, our teacher last year just retired,

"I don't know," Lily said back, "I just hope that whoever he or she is, will be better than Clyde, he was a nightmare. He once gave me a week's detention with Filch for asking to borrow a quill,"

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