Chapter 12: Birthday in Bed

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The last couple of moments I have just experienced had come so fast that I barely had time to comprehend what just happened. One second I had my hands on the quaffle, the next I heard silence. Then murmuring, and I turned to see a broom with no passengers sitting upon it floating in the air. Then I noticed it. Or should I say him? Scorpius. Laying flat on his back on the ground below. Then there was Madame Pomphrey, running up towards him. And I heard a scream. I turned to look to see who that scream had just come from before realizing that it was coming from my own mouth. There was blood, a whole lot of it, my face drained of colour as I stared at it. The dark, scarlet blood, pouring out of him.

"Slytherins win!" Issac bellowed, but no one was listening, I swooped down on my broom almost crashing to the ground as I neared Scorpius.

"Scorp!" I exclaimed, shaking him, tears stinging the sides of my eyes. What happened? Is he alright? "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, you'd better not be joking right now or I'll-" My voice caught in my throat as the tears slide down my face,

"He's unconscious," Albus said, putting a hand on my shoulder calmly. When did he get here? I thought as I looked around to see a crowd of Slytherins and Gryffindors, even a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs surrounding us.

"He needs to be sent to the infirmary," Professor Emerson said, his hands on Scorpius' wrist, feeling around, "I think he perhaps had fractured his wrist,"

A couple of the boys on the Slytherin team picked him up to transport him away. Followed them unsurely. 

"Come on," Albus wrapped an arm around me, "Don't worry, he's going to be alright,"

I nodded, my heart pounding loudly in my chest, my breath quick. All I can think about is how I never want to lose him.


I woke up staring at the blank, white ceiling. Where am I? I looked around nervously as my brain recounted what happened in my last moments of consciousness. All that came to mind was wrapping my hands around the small, walnut-sized snitch and a large force hitting me and then darkness.

I shuffled on the bed, getting a crick in my neck. That's when I noticed the mass of red hair laying on the edge of my bed. Rose. She was asleep, sitting on a chair with her head resting on the bed. My hand reached forwards, ready to nudge her awake, all I want right now is to see her warm, chocolate coloured eyes and her sweet, kind smile.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," A voice called out from the doorway, I glanced up to see a familiar boy with a book in his hands, leaned up against the door, arms crossed at his chest.

"Al," I said, he smirked, striding over,

"She's been up all night next to your bed, never leaving your side. She wouldn't even leave to grab another book, so she asked me to do it," He said, passing me the book,

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," I read the title,

"Her favourite book,"

"I know," I mused as I flipped through the pages, "I remember her reading it at Flourish and Blotts a couple of weeks before the beginning of the first year, that's where I first met her. I hid behind a bookshelf, just watching her read this," I felt a goofy smile slip onto my face as I recalled the memory,

"Wow, that's totally not creepy," Albus said sarcastically,

"Yeah, like how you like to spy on Alice in the library," I counteracted,

"Who spy on Alice in the library?" Rose said, sniffling a yawn, finally waking up,

"You know you didn't have to stay there next to my bed the whole night, right?" I teased, "If you want, you can always just crawl into the covers and take a quick nap with me,"

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