Chapter 17: The Christmas Ball

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^Their Dresses^


I gasp at the splendour view in front of me, drapes in silvers and blues, the Great Hall was a marvel to view. All its tables set aside except for one in the corner of the room, holding appetizers and refreshments. There was fake snow falling from the ceiling that disappears as soon as it made contact. The decoration was all in various shades of pale blue, purple, and white. Magically enchanted instruments played in the background.

"May I have this dance?" Scorpius asked in a low bow, one of his hands outstretched,

I smiled taking his hand as a new song began, a slow waltz. We danced my left hand in his right, his left on my waist. I kept my eyes trained on my feet as I stumble through the dance, and we both laughed as I did.

After the first song, my feet were already sore so we decided to take a seat while Scorpius went to get us each a bottle of butterbeer. As I waited, I turned my attention to a lovely couple dancing on the other side of the dance floor.

Alice laughed as Albus twirled her around, anyone can tell that they are meant for each other. The sparkle in both of their eyes when they were together and the way they seem to stay apart.

"Ugh," I grimace, looking away as they started to snog.

"Well look who it is," A familiar voice called. "Little Weasel,"

"Call me that again and you won't have a mouth to say it with!" I shot back, turning to see a brown-haired snake.

"You wouldn't dare," Ashley said, striding towards me in her "I don't get why Scorpius chose as his date,"

"Well maybe because-" I started to retort,

"Oh I think I know why, he was going to ask me you know, I'm sure of it. He must've got nervous and asked the first person he can think of, which was you since you're... pals," She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Excuse me?" I glared at her, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Why would he want to be with you? You filthy mudblood-"

"Halfblood," I said, "Not that it makes any difference, we're all still wizards, no matter what blood we are,"

She laughed in a way that resembled a cackle, "You really believe that don't you,"

"Not believe, know,"

"Purebloods have always been a far more superior being than you halfsies," She sneered,

"Think what you want, I don't care," I stood up, ready to leave,

"Wait!" She grabbed my arm, her long nails digging into my skin, I winced in pain.

"What was that for!" I hissed, but she just glared at me.

"Just remember," She said in a low voice, "That if given a choice, Scorpius would always choose me."

I ripped my arm from her grip and tore across the great hall in a frenzy. Could she be right? No, she can't be, but why is it so hard for me to believe that he would really choose me? Tears pricked in my eyes. I ran so fast that I nearly bumped into Albus and Alice. Mumbling a quick sorry and found refuge in the only quiet place I can find.


I returned back to where I last saw Rose only to find the seat she was sitting on unoccupied. I furrowed my brow, surveying the room for any sign of her vibrant red hair.

"Oi mate, what did you do to her!" Albus said pulling me aside,

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Rose! I just saw running out? And let me tell you this, she wasn't looking too happy about something,"

"Really! Where did she go?" Albus gestured to the right, outside, past the garden, I patted him on the shoulder, "Thanks mate," I said, starting forwards.

"Wait!" Albus said and I stopped in my tracks, "Promise you won't hurt her, Rose I mean,"

I gave him an incredulous look, "Do you really think after all these years, I finally ask her out that I would really try to blow it on purpose?"

Albus smiled, "I know you wouldn't, but just to be safe,"

I laughed, "You're the one talking, if you and Alice are going to be up to something tonight, you remember to be safe!"

Albus turned red, "You-You bastard! You're downright arsehole you know that!" he said that angrily though he waved his fist in a good-natured type of way.

I chuckled as I slipped outside and into the shadow walking briskly in the direction Albus pointed me towards. I followed the path until I came across the small greenhouse. I furrowed my brow, could Rose really be here? My question was soon answered as I opened the door to find Rose crouched down in a corner, tears streaking down her face. At the sound of the door squeaking, she lifted her head in surprise.

"Scorpius?" She said in a hoarse voice.

"Rose!" At the immediate sight of her, I rushed over to her side, putting one hand on her shoulder in a comforting way. "Are you alright?"

She stared back at me with her brown, doe eyes, "Why?"


"Why did you ask me to the ball?"

"Well, erm," My mouth went dry, was Rose, Rose Weasley, the girl whom I've been in love with for years crying over some uncertainty of why I asked her out? "Because you're you," I finally blurt out, I have no idea where this was going, my brain was on autopilot, my mouth talking without thinking it through first. "You come into a room and you can light it up with your smile. You are a ray of sunlight in the brightest of times. And I knew, from the moment I first laid eyes on you on the Hogwarts Express all those years ago, I knew that I was a goner, that I have fallen deeply, irrevocably in love with you." She stared at me, wide-eyed and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Oh no, could I have overstepped, was my declaration of love too much?

She took a deep breath, "Really?" I nodded. there was a pause where the only sound audible was the faint music streaming out from the great hall.

"Care to dance?" I asked in a low voice, trying to calm my nerves,

Rose raised smiled, god I love her smile, "I don't see why not,"

Resting my hands on her waist, we swayed to the music coming from the Great Hall, yet I paid no attention to that. All my attention is on the lovely redhead right in front of me.

The soft, white snow in her hair looks so beautiful, red against white. She looks so beautiful and I can't believe I'm here, dancing with the girl of my dreams, Rose. I twirled her around, the sound of her melodic laugh seemed to echo in the empty courtyard.

Her hands rested on my shoulders, our faces inches apart, I can hear my heart beating harder than ever. It's now or never. Taking a deep breath, I gathered up all the courage I have and kissed her.

I felt her stiffen at my touch and I felt my heart sink, no no no! After all these years could I have blown our friendship. I backed away to see her stunned face.

"I'm so sor-" I began but then she pressed her lips back onto mine and I felt as if my heart was set alight and I was flying through the air. Our lips moved in synchrony, we moved as if on instinct, Rose placed her hands on my chest and I put mine on the back of her waist and ran my hand through her hair. I backed her against the wall, not caring as a potted plant was knocked down. I gasped in surprise as she bit onto my lip. I moved away begrudgingly when we finally had to take a breath.

I stared at Rose as if in a new light, her striking red hair now a tangled mess, her lips red and swollen, the lipstick now smudged.

I felt a smile creep onto my face, a new kind of courage blossoming in my chest, "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me sometime?"

She smirked slyly, "As friends or..."

"As something more, that is if you want to," I said in a hurry, nervous once more.

"That," She said, moving closer to me, grabbing onto my tie, pulling my face closer to hers, "Sounds terrific."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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