Chapter 3: Classes

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The next morning in the Great Hall during breakfast, Professor Slughorn, the head of the Slytherin House went down our table, handing out our new timetables. I took one look at mine, Potions, DADA, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Herbology, Charms, Arithmancy, then Transfiguration. And of course Astronomy at twelve every Thursday which all the fifth years have.

"Hey, I got the same as you!" Albus exclaimed, looking over my shoulder, "Except instead of Muggle Studies and Arithmancy, I have Divination and a free period."

"I still don't get why you decided to take Divination, Professor Nixon may be better than my dad's old Divination teacher, but she's still crazy,"

He shrugged, "It's an easy O, just make up some predictions and you're done,"

"Technically, you also do predictions in Arithmancy," I said,

"But that's harder," Albus complained, "With numbers and letters and so much work,"

We got up and walked towards the Gryffindor table, "Hey Rosie," I said cheerfully, looking over her shoulder, "Care to show us your schedule?"

Rose shrugged and handed me her timetable, as she passed it to my hand, our fingers brushed, which left me red in the face,

Trying to cover up the new colour that had appeared on my face, I looked down, scanning through her subjects. Potions, DADA, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Charms, Ancient Runes, History of Magic, Arithmancy, and lastly, Transfiguration.

"Yes! We have Potions, DADA, Arithmancy and Transfiguration together!" I cried out a bit too loudly, drawing attention from the other Gryffindors at the table, I felt my face turn even redder if that was possible.

"Aw," Albus said, "And we only have three,"

"Well, you can switch to Ari-"

"Nope, I'll take the easier classes, thank you,"

Rose looked down at her watch, coloured red and gold for Gryffindor, "We'd better get to class, Professor Slughorn doesn't like us being late,"

"Slughorn?" Albus said, "That old bat still hasn't retired yet? He must at least be a hundred years old,"

"He is not a bat, and he is a brilliant professor," Rose said, defending Professor Slughorn.

"And I think he is planning on teaching until he takes his last breath, which might be decades," I added,

"But that could take forever!" Albus exclaimed,


* * *

"... Albus Potter and Sally Finnigan, and Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley," Professor Slughorn finished, he always put us in partners depending on our skill level. While most people hate it, I quite enjoy it, especially since then I'm partnered with Rose most of the time.

"Argh, why does he always pair up the smart people, he should spread the smartness around so that other people could get Os too," Albus complained, as his partner, Sally, is no better than her father, Seamus Finnigan, at Potions having broken five cauldrons and caused nine explosions just last year. Though Albus has his own share of explosions, he still wasn't that disastrous at potions, it was more likely his potion just didn't work than cause it to backfire in his face.

I shrugged, a smile tugging at my lips, I turned to face Rose, who is muttering, "Page 154, a healing potion to heal small bruises and cuts, oh here it is!"

I glanced over at it, "You start cutting up the mandrake stems, I get the cauldron ready," muttering "Incendio," I lit the stand on fire, placing the cauldron on top, I added a half a cup of troll saliva and three drops of unicorn tears into the pot.

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