Chapter 9: Night Patrol

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I love her. I love Rose. The thought went like a whirlwind in my head repeating itself over and over again. Should I say something? What if she doesn't like me back, what if she rejects me and our friendship is completely ruined? I can't risk it. I sighed as I watch her bobbing redhead in front of me, walking along the corridors, ears listening for any noise.

She turned to face me, seeing that I was quite a few meters away, she came over and grabbed my hand, "Come on slowpoke, hurry up," She said, giggling as she dragged me along.

I felt a goofy grin slide into my face as I looked down at our interlocked hands, as if a shot of electricity ran through me. Her hands rough, covered with calluses she received from gripping onto the broom during Quidditch. Add that to the list of things I love about her, she plays Quidditch. And she don't care about getting calluses, or broken nails, or anything of such sort, unlike Ashley and the rest of her group of whores. I focused on her grip, soft yet tight enough to drag me along behind her without losing me.

"Are you alright?" Rose's voice snapped me back into reality,


"You've been, like, deathly quiet for the last minute or so. Is there anything wrong?" She said, her voice gentle and concerned.

"Um, no," I said, my face turning red, "Just thinking,"

"About what?" She asked and I started to stutter. There is no way I can tell her what was actually thinking about. Luckily, a loud clamour of what sounded like brooms falling to the floor came from a nearby storage closet, enabling me from answering the question.

"What was that?" I said quickly as relief flooded me, which was quick to change to dread and fear, you never know what you'd find at Hogwarts, especially in the middle of the night.

"I don't know," She said quietly as we slowly and steadily approached the closet, "Maybe Peeves is up to something again,"

I nodded and gestured for her to open the door, "Ladies first,"

She glared at me as she opened the door slightly, peeking inside. Then, as quick as lightning shuts it close, her face as red as her hair, "Merlin's beard," She breathed, her eyes wide as moons.

"What was it," I asked, but she didn't answer. A moment later two people rushed out, embarrassed. A boy and a girl. I felt my own eyes widen and my jaws dropped slightly as I recognized the people in front of me. Two Hufflepuffs, Sarah and Henry. The Hufflepuffs who were supposed to be patrolling tonight before they got detention.

Both of their hair slightly ruffled and the buttons to their shirts all buttoned in the wrong holes, with lipstick smudged over both of their faces. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what they were doing.

"Oh, um," I started, unsure of what to say, but they both scurried off, red-faced before I can say another word,

"You guys both have detention for the next two weeks!" Rose called out to them as they walked away,

"With Filch!" I added as they disappeared from view, but even from here I can hear their shouts of disagreement. As their voices disappeared, Rose and I both burst out laughing.

Wiping a tear from her eye, she said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to go to the washroom to wash my eyes out,"

She seized my hand in her grasp again and I felt a jolt of electricity run through me as she did. She pulled me down the corridor with top speed.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked, "We're not actually going to the washrooms are we?" Not that I'll mind- where did that thought come from! My eyes widened slightly and a goofy smile slipped onto my face as the thought passed through my head.

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