Chapter 7: Hogsmeade Weekend

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The first Hogsmeade weekend came in early October, with all the trees surrounding Hogwarts turning red, orange, and yellow. The satisfying crunch of dried leaves underneath your boot, the crisp autumn breeze blowing into the castle from the open windows.

I sighed, "I love Autumn," I told Albus and Scorpius,

"Eh," Albus said, sending little sparks up from his wand, clearly bored out of his mind, "I like winter more, with Christmas, presents, snow, presents, hot chocolate, presents,"

"Sounds like all you care about is the presents," Scorpius remarked,

"Oh presents! Have I mentioned presents yet?"

I facepalmed, "I'm going to talk to someone who isn't as thick a slab of marble," I said, turning my gaze to Scorpius,"

He smirked, "Glad to know that you think I am so intelligent and wise,"

I snorted, "Compared to that doof you are," I said pointing towards Albus,

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Albus said,

"Then I'm saying it again, compared to that doof you are,"

Albus fake pouted, then pretending to be wiping a single tear from his eyes, he said, "You're a meanie,"

I rolled my eyes, adverting my eyes to look at something that isn't either of them. My gaze landed on a clock, "Come on, it's almost time to go to Hogsmeade, let's go!" I jumped out of my seat, gesturing for them to come with me, I hurried off.

"Hey!" I heard Scorpius say behind me, "Wait for us!"

* * *

"So what are we going to do?" I asked, skipping along the cobstone path of Hogsmeade in between the two doofuses I call my friends, Albus and Scorpius. Wait, is it doofuses or doofi, like octopuses and octopi, it's very confusing. The first one sounds better but the second one sounds way funnier. Doofi. Doooooooofi. Do-Fi. Dofiiiiiiii. Yep, hilarious.

"What you two are going to do," Albus corrected, "I've got a date,"

"Really? Who agreed on a date with you?" Scorpius asked,

"Alice," He said smugly,

"That poor unfortunate soul," I said, sighing and shaking my head.

"The Little Mermaid reference?" He asked, I nodded,

"The Little Mermaid?" Scorpius asked,

"It's a muggle movie," I answered, "Really good movie, came out quite a while ago,"

"Yeah, Aunt Hermione always shows us her old favourite muggle movies when me, James, and Lily go to visit," Albus said,

"James, Lily and I not me, James and Lily," I corrected him.

Scorpius frowned, "Mum and dad never shown me any muggle movies seeing that they were both purebloods and couldn't care less. But the concept of tellyvision and movies always interested me,"



"Television, not tellyvision,"

He shrugged, "Same difference,"

"Anyways, got to go, wouldn't want to be late for my date," Albus said, adjusting his glasses which was crooked, "Which I have and you don't,"

"Don't care!" I shouted as Albus ran towards a crowd of people near Zonko's looking for the brunette.

"So what do you want to do seeing that it is just us two?" Scorpius asked,

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