Chapter 14: Just a Question

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"Oh my god," Dominique squealed after I told her everything. From the kiss to the emotions which I've tried to tuck into the back of my brain to the deep void in my stomach when Albus mentioned Scorpius' crush. "You like him!"

"What? Who?" I said, even though I know who she meant.

"Scorpius of course," She belted out,

"Of course I like him, he's my best friend," I've decided to play dumb, realizing how embarrassed I was. Not because I don't want Dominique to know that I like Scorpius. And yes, I do realize now that I do. But because of the embarrassment, you feel whenever you admit your crush. Letting someone know, unsure of their reaction ahead of time.

"Oh stop, I know good and well you like him and that's it!" Dominique said, clasping my hands in hers and squealed again, "I am so relieved, I thought you gave up on love after your breakup with Timothy, but now I know that you were just waiting for Scorpius!"

"Hey, first of all, it was a mutual breakup, we both decided we were better off as friends,"

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah right, you decided that you'd both be better off as friends, and he just went with it because he didn't want to lose you. What about tonight, when he dared you to kiss whoever-"


Dominique sighed, "Okay, whomever, anyways, he wanted it to land on him and he placed a charm on the bottle so it would land on him,"

I furrowed my brow, "Then why didn't it" I asked,

She sighed, exasperated, "And they call you the smart one in the family. The bottle shattered, I sent a breaking jinx towards it and pass you a new bottle and charmed it so it wouldn't land on Timothy or me just in case."

"Tell me this is a joke," I said in disbelief, "There is no way he did that,"

"Yes, he did, you just weren't paying any attention to him because you were too focused on Scorpius,"

"No I wasn't!" I exclaimed,

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn't!"

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn't!"

"No I wasn't!"

"Do you really think I'd fall for that, no I wasn't!"

Dominique sighed, "Oh well, you might be able to trick your mind into thinking you don't like Scorpius, but you can't trick your heart," She turned around and started towards the Ravenclaw Common Room,

"I wasn't tricking anything!" I called out after her,

"You'll see!"


We both watched as Rose left the room and as her footsteps faded away and that's when I hurled my pillow at Albus' face,

"What the hell!" I exclaimed, "You basically told her that I like her!"

"No I didn't!" Albus defended himself, "I only hinted that you have a crush on someone and you plan to take her to the dance. And now's your chance to go for it, ask before that snake Timothy do."

"No way, I can't just go up and ask her, what if she says no, then our whole friendship would be ruined,"

"She likes you, I'm sure, did you see her face when I mentioned it, she was definitely jealous," Albus assured me.

I was so taken back by it that it took several moments before I said anything, and even then I only muttered two words that are barely audible, "You think?"

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