Chapter 16: Blood Curse

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"Argh," Rose groaned, later that same day of the Hogsmeade Weekend, tiredly resting her head on my shoulder,

I drew in a quick intake of breath, and it took all my will to not break out in a huge smile and squeal, and not just because we're in a library and Madam Pince will surely have my head on a stick if I do.

"What's wrong?" Albus asked, flipping through the pages of his transfiguration textbook.

"The others practically dragged me all over the store trying on at least a hundred different dresses," She sighed, "Longest morning of my life,"

"Well-" I started but got interrupted by a tapping noise coming from the window, "Orion!" I cried out as my great horned owl pecked at the window,

"What is he doing here?" Albus wondered as I went over to flip the latch to open the window.

"To deliver his letter, Al, what else," Rose said exasperated.

"I meant what letter or whose letter?" Albus defended himself, obviously bluffing,

"Sure you did," Rose continued sarcastically.

As Albus and Rose continue to bicker in the background, Orion dropped the crisp white letter onto my open hands and flew away in the direction of the owlery. I furrowed my brow as I recognized the neat calligraphy which could only belong to Draco. What is it that he possibly write to me about, during the past four years I've been at Hogwarts he only sent me two letters, one in first year when I was about to take the exams for the first time and at the end of second year when he sent a letter about the choice classes of which I should pick and avoid for the next year.

I ripped open the letter to find a short note scribbled across a tore off piece of parchment,

"So what does it say?" Albus asked, seeing the look of pure terror on my face,

"I, um, it's-" My hands clam up as the words try to leave my mouth, I stared down onto the letter with utter shock.


It is with my greatest sympathies to inform you that your mother and I can't have you home this Christmas due to negative developments to her illness. We can only hope that she gets well soon, and I wish that you are in health as you receive this letter.


"Scorp? Are you alright?" Rose asked, resting her hand on my shoulder,

"I, uh," I mumbled, I shoved the piece of parchment into her hands, "Here,"

Rose furrowed her brows as she looked down onto the paper, her eyes moving along with the words. She looked up, "Scorpius, is your mum?"

"What is this!" Albus exclaimed, reading the letter over her shoulder, "It sounds like something on an application or something, it don't sound like a letter to his son at all!"

"Al!" Rose hissed, nudging Albus, glaring at him. She then turned to me and looked at my with her sparkling eyes, filled with pity- wait no, I don't want pity, I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me. But then why don't I want her to stop giving me that look? "Um, Scorp, is she," She said awkwardly,

I nodded, "She um, have this condition, a blood curse, a ressesive gene passed down by generations," I swallowed, pushing back the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes, "It basically makes her immune system weaker than most making her sick all the time, there are treatments which helps fight against some of the symptoms. She's always had this condition but lately it's been getting worse and the treatments stopped working. And now it seems that I'll be staying at Hogwarts this Christmas," I blurted out the rest quickly, and waited for their reaction. Less than a moment later, Rose did.

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