Chapter 8: Confessions

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"H-How long have you two been here?" Albus said, the tips of his ears turning red,

"Long enough to see you guys tongue wrestling," Scorpius said, I laughed and hits his arm. Don't he know how embarrassed Albus is right now? I peeked at his face, yes, yes he does know.

"I-I have to go!" Alice jumped up, rushing outside, her blushing face clutching in her hands,

"So," I said, slipping into the now open seat while Scorpius stands right next to me, "You and Alice,"

"Scorp!" Albus cried looking at him, I turned to see Scorpius wiggling his eyebrows.

"Well," I said, "He's not wrong," I said, wiggling my eyebrows as well,

"Are you serious?"

"No," I said, "I'm Rose,"


"Soooo," Albus said, sitting us down at the ledge of the fountain in the courtyard. Having arrived back at Hogwarts, Rose left for the library to study for the OWLs, I was about to follow her myself when Albus dragged me off.

"So what?" I asked, having no idea what he is talking about,

"You know," He said slyly, "Your date,"

"What date, the only date there was, was yours,"

"Oh come on, I saw you and Rose having a snack at Three Broomsticks. Now I think the real question right now is what you guys were doing before you saw me and Alice." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively,

"Okay, first of all, eyebrow wiggling is my thing, not yours,"

"Hey! Did you invent it? No, so it doesn't belong to you!" Albus cried but I waved him off,

"Second, there is nothing going on between me and Rose," I said in a sadder tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't believe that for a second, I may not be one hundred percent sure about Rose yet, but I know for a fact that you like her,"

"How would you even know if someone likes someone," I said, trying to divert his attention elsewhere,

"Well, I don't hear you denying,"

I sighed, "Okay, fine, I'll admit. I really, really like Rose,"

Albus let out a shriek, "I knew it!"

"Jeez, calm down," I covered my ears, "You sound like a girl,"

"So what, I'm entitled to react how I want to react and if I want to act like a girl so be it!"

"A girl Albus," I thought for a moment wistfully, "Albusa, yes I can totally see that,"

"No way," He shook his head, a smile showed on his face, "Albusiella is much better,"

I nodded, then paused, a thought suddenly occurred to me, "Actually if you were born a girl, then your name would be Lily,"

"You wouldn't know that for sure though, since-"

"No, obviously your parents wanted to name their first boy and first girl after Harry's parents, James and Lily Potter, so if you were a girl, your name would be Lily," I said, then after a moment I added, "Duh,"

"If so, then-" Albus started but got cut off by a familiar voice and I mentally sighed. Oh that voice, I love that voice, but I love the person that the voice belonged to even more. I paused at that last train of thought, that sounded especially weird and like a creep, argh! Why am I so weird!

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