Chapter 5: The Bet

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"Relax Lily," I said, patting her back, "You did amazing during tryouts, you'll be sure to get the spot,"

"I know, I know, but I just feel like I could have done better," Lily groaned,

"Lily," Lorcan grabbed her shoulders, "I have complete trust in you and I know that you got the beater's position,"

"Awww," I said quietly as Lily glared at me, then focused her attention back on Lorcan,

"I wish James would just post the results already, tryouts were yesterday!"

"He said he'll post it tomorrow morning," Lorcan said, pecking her nose, "Besides, you don't need to know what you already know. I told you already, there is no way you didn't get in!"

"Aww, thanks baby," She moved forwards, pressing her lips against Lorcan's, who kissed back eagerly, and with both of them very engaged with one another, it soon became very heated and even more awkward on my half.

Quietly, I slipped out of our common room unnoticed way too easily. With both their full attention on each other, a giant could have walked past and those two wouldn't even bat an eye. Walking over to the Quidditch pitch to practice for a while after tonight's dinner seeing that I have already finished all the homework that was assigned. Obviously. After studying sixth year material all summer, as Hermione suggested, schoolwork came way too easily.

Mounting my broom, getting ready to take off, I heard a voice behind me,

"Rosie? You're here too?"

Jumping up, startled, accidentally taking off on the broom when I wasn't ready, causing me to slip off and land on my back. Groaning, I lifted my aching head up to see a familiar boy with white-blonde hair.

"What are you doing on the ground?" Scorpius asked, hiding a smile,

"Nothing, just, um, checking if the, um, grass is soft," I mumbled, embarrassed, patting the ground beneath me.

"Uh huh?" He chuckled, holding out a hand for me to grab onto,

"Thanks," I grasped him awaiting hand, with his other hand taking hold of my shoulder, he pulled me back up on my feet. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked,

"I asked you first,"

Sighing, he sat on his broom, float aloft, echoing what he is doing, he continued, "Well I want to get in some more practice time before the Slytherin tryouts. I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone. After all, I'm the only fifth year Quidditch captain, the youngest one this year and one of the youngest on the team, already some people are saying that I'm too young or too inexperienced since I've only been on the team for two years. I just want to prove that I'm-"

"Good enough," I finished for him,

"Exactly! Wait, how did you know,"

"You're not the only one that big things are expected of. Especially since I'm the daughter of two thirds of the golden trio, people always expect me to be as good at school as the amazing Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her time. Or as good as Quidditch as Ron Weasley. You would not believe how many hours I've spent studying or practicing Quidditch just to live up to their expectations. You probably don't understand," I said, flustered.

"Actually, I do," Scorpius said, surprising me.

"You do?"

"It isn't easy growing up in the shadows of an ex-Death Eater, wherever I go, I hear whispers and rumors. It took me forever to convince everyone that I am not some Death Eater or a dark lord follower to be. People keep expecting me to snap and turn evil, even now they still don't trust me." Chuckling, he said, "I remember when we first met, you thought the exact same thing,"

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