Chapter 15: Dress Shopping

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"I can't believe it! I. Just. Can. Not. Believe. It!" Lily exclaimed later that day in the Gryffindor Common Room,

"I can," Dominique piped up, "In case you didn't know, he had this massive crush on you since he met you."

I blushed, staring down at my hands. Earlier today, during breakfast, Scorpius had asked me to the Ball. I, of course, was bewildered but said yes nonetheless- so that I wouldn't have to go to the Ball alone of course. Definitely not for any other reason, although Dominique disagrees. I mean, he could just have asked me to get out of going with Ashley. All those things he said, about wanting to ask me since forever and all that could have been simply made up. But that didn't stop me from blushing during the whole speech or feel my heart pounding hard enough to burst out of my chest. But I can't deny that there was a little part of me, no matter how small, that wished everything he said was all true, but what are the chances of that.

"Oh I wish I can go to the Christmas Ball this year," Lily sighed, "Too bad neither Lorcan and I are in fifth year or higher."

"Well you'll go next year," I said,

"I suppose," She turned to Dominique, "So who are you going with?"

"No one," Dominique answered swiftly, "That way I won't be stuck dancing with just one person,"

"I can't believe that the Ball's just next month," I exclaimed, "Remember in first year and Victoire let us help her get ready for her last Ball?"

"Oh right, I remember that she had the most gorgeous gown, this long, flowy silver one that shimmers every time she moves," She sighed and we were all silent for a moment, recalling the memory of our cousin twirling around in that magnificent gown, "Oh! You know what we should do? Get gowns together from Hogsmeade during our next Hogsmeade Weekend, which should be in two or three weeks."

"Yes, that sounds brilliant!" Lily exclaimed, "And I can help you all pick it out!"

"I don't know about all this.." I started but paused at the look on their faces, pleading for me to agree, "Alright, fine, but I think we should invite Alice to come along with us,"

"Alice? Alice Longbottom? What for?" Dominique asked, confused,

"Well she's really nice and all," I then lowered my voice, "Plus, she's Albus' date,"

"Pull the other one," Dominique said deadpan as Lily squealed in the background,

"No, I'm serious," I said, "Albus asked her a while ago, during their date at Hogsmeade,"

"No way. Why did I not know about this!" She demanded, "Did you know about this?" She pointed her finger at Lily,

"Of course, he's my brother for Merlin's sake,"

"Why am I always last to know when something is up!"

"You're not," I said, "I don't think Professor Longbottom knows yet," I said,

"Nope, he knows," Lily said, "But only half of it. He knows about them hanging out but not all the snogging,"

I snorted, "I'm sure he'll freak out if he knows half the stuff those two are doing,"

"Oh definitely,"

* * *

"So you're meeting Dominique, Lily, and Alice in ten minutes," Scorpius asked as the two of us strolled down the cobstone pathway of Hogsmeade,

I nodded "Just over at Hog's Head, there is a huge clothing store around the corner,"

"Okay," He said and we were silent for a few moments as we both gazed around att the small winter wonderland.

I shivered, regretting the fact that I left my wool jacket back in the castle when I felt a warm cloth wrap around me. I turned to see Scorpius placing his winter coat over my shoulders,

"Here," He said, "You need it more than I do,"

"Oh, no, I can't-" I started,

"It's alright, I got multiple layers of sweaters underneath, I probably dressed too warmly today," He interrupted,

"Well then thanks," I said gratefully, wrapping the coat closer to my body, the smell of apples and cinnamon wafted into my nose.

We walked upon the snow-covered road, walking past the small colourful shops and people scurrying across the street carrying mountains of boxes and bags in their hands when suddenly, I heard a loud thump on the ground beside me.

"Hmph," Scorpius said, slipping on the ice, falling flat on his back, grimacing.

I giggled softly, "Oh my, are you alright?" I held out my hand to help him up.

He smiled sneakily, taking my hand and yanking it down, causing me to fall as well. I land on top of him, our faces mere inches apart. There was a moment of silence before we both burst out laughing, when all of a sudden, it was as if time slowed down. We can hear nothing else but the sound of the other's heavy breathing. Then, we don't know when or why, but our faces started to lean in towards each other when-

"Scorpius! Rose- Oh there you guys are!" Albus shouted, rushing over to us as I rolled off him and we jumped back up to our feet, "I was looking all over for you," I widened my eyes in surprise, what were we doing?

"I um, I should probably go," I stammered, "Shouldn't keep them waiting," As I was leaving, I can hear Albus saying,

"Oi, what was that all about,"

Even though I was a couple of minutes early, I was still last to arrive at Hog's Head, seeing that Dominique, Lily, and Alice were all there.

"Oh there you are, we were afraid you got lost," Dominique said, grabbing onto my arm and started to pull me forwards, "Come on, let's go!"

As I tried to struggle from her grip, she had already lead me into a boutique. The walls were colour with pastel pink and yellow stripes, the racks are all colour coded, in a neat, orderly fashion in semi-circles. With a row of dressing rooms in the corner, this is easily the biggest and most crowded clothing store I've ever seen in my life.

"Now I'm thinking pale pastel colours for you," Dominique pointed at Alice, "And something a little more vibrant for you," She said to me.

"What about you," Lily asked,

"Oh, I've already got that covered," She plucked a short black dress from a rack that said 'On Hold', "Saved it from the last Hogsmeade Weekend,"

It was a simple black dress for the most part at least. With a sweetheart neckline, with a short, black-veiled skirt that barely reached mid-thigh.

"Yeah, there is no way Uncle Bill would let you wear that," I remarked,

Dominique rolled her eyes, "Well he doesn't have to know, besides, mum wouldn't care what I wear as long as it looks nice. Now, I'm thinking maybe for Alice, a light blue, pink or green gown- or maybe this, yes this looks terrific." She said, grabbing four near identical dresses that are in a variety of different pastle colours and handing it to her.

Alice stared at it nervously, her eyes bugging out, "What have we gotten ourselves into,"

After what seemed like forever, both of us have chosen our dresses. Alice picked a pale pink dress with a floral lace design that matched her complexion perfectly. While I have chosen a much simpler dress at hand, ruby red, as that was one of the few colours that don't clash with my hair. Strapless with a sweetheart neckline, the dress flowing all the way down to my ankles, with a nice gem band around my waist.

"Take good care of it," Lily said as we walked out of the store, bags clutched in our hands, "I just might borrow it next year,"

"And if I want to wear it again for the next Ball?" I raised my eyebrow,

"Well then too bad too sad," She replied swiftly.

Laughing, the four of us strolled down the snow-caked paths of Hogsmeade.

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