Part 2

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There are parts of real chatroom conversations taken from the Mystic Messenger game. These bits of chatroom conversation are owned by Cheritz. I do not claim to have made up that part of the story.

     After a long night, I found myself with a longer morning as I showed up to the gift shop before opening hours. Mr. Kwon had informed me of his plans on visiting the shop, and I wanted to make everything perfect. The first fifteen minutes were spent counting the safe, getting the drawers all ready for the day, and filling out the morning report. Sadly the safe was low on change, meaning a trip to the bank needed to be made. It was just one more thing to add to my ever-growing list.

     Once done in the office, I grabbed the tablet and began going through the displays, noting what items we were running low on the sales floor. Halfway through the displays, Bella and Jasmine showed up for their shifts.

     "Yvette?" Bella asked when she saw me. "Have you been here all night?"

     "No," I said with a frown, "but it feels like I never left."

     "Maybe you should go home and get some rest." She smiled at me as I fought back a yawn.

     "I wish I could, but Mr. Kwon is planning on visiting today." I moved to the next display.

     Jasmine let out a squeak at hearing the owner's name. I never found the man intimidating, just forgetful, so it surprised me when others were scared of him. The most intimidating man I knew was my father.

     "I'm here," Bella said. "I'll help you with whatever you need." Leaving Jasmine on the sales floor, Bella and I went into the backroom.

     "It looks like I might have some good news," I told Bella once the door was closed. "Looks like Holly is going over to the convenience store."

     "Really?" Bella asked, practically jumping up and down on the balls of her feet. "Will Trey be taking her place then?"

     "That's the plan," I said with a huge grin. "I plan on offering him the potion when I see him."

     "Holly never should've been made Lead," Bella scoffed.

     "That wasn't my doing," I replied. "I was hired after she was made Lead. Trey would've done a much better job than her."

     "Joon's three year old would make a better lead," Bella joked.

     By the time Mr. Kwon showed up, all the displays were stocked and I was working on the schedule. I was still unsure if Trey would take the position, but I didn't have anyone else I wished to promote. I also would have to look for a new employee.

     "The gift shop looks great as always," Mr. Kwon chimed. "Everything is full but not overflowing. It's easy to shop and pleasing to the eye. I knew I was correct about hiring you. You might've been inexperienced when you began, but you really have held your own and proven yourself."

     "Thank you, sir," I replied with a smile. "But it really has been a team effort. We all have worked very hard."

     "And it shows," Mr. Kwon said as his eye fell onto a display of wind-up toys. "I've been thinking about transferring Holly out by the end of the week. That won't leave you burden will it?"

     "Not at all," I answered. "Trey will be taking her place. He already knows a lot. He will just need to learn about the paperwork and the reports. The counting down the safe and making bank deposits. I'm planning on getting the word out that we have a position open."

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