Part 17

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     As bedtime came, Saeran walked me down to a bathroom so I could wash-up. He removed the collar and informed me that he would be waiting outside the door. He also handed me a bag.

     The bathroom was as plain as Saeran's room. There was a shower stall, a rack with towels, a sink, a mirror, and a toilet. There was no lock on the door, so anyone could barge in. I opened the bag to find soap, shampoo, a brush, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. At the bottom of the bag, I pulled out an oversize t-shirt. I wondered how much did Saeran know about me.

     I turned on the water then stripped out of my clothes. It dawned on me that I'd been wearing the same clothes for over 24 hours. I'd been kidnapped roughly 24 hours ago. I stepped into the shower as tears began to roll down my cheeks.

     Once I finished washing and crying, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I quickly dried myself off and slipped into the t-shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth, then placed everything back into the bag.

     I stood up and stared at myself in the mirror. Was this what my life had turned into? Could I escape this place, or would I always be the hacker's pet. I had seen how others here reacted to him. What had he done to make everyone fear him so? What would he do to me?

     Saeran barely looked at me as I opened the door. He placed the collar around my neck and led me back to his room. Once we reached his room and closed the door, Saeran grabbed the hair at the back of my head and forced me to bend over the chair. I knew my bare butt was showing, and my face began to burn red.

     "I've been too lenient with my pet," Saeran snarled. I felt the sting as his hand smacked my bare bottom. "I must show my pet to never disobey me." He spanked me again. "Never think of leaving me." And again. "Cause if you do." And again. "You will wish." And again. "That I would just kill you." He kept spanking harder and harder. I fought to stay still and silent, but by the end, I was squirming, crying, and calling out in pain. "You're red and hot to the touch." His hand caressed my sensitive backside. "It's time for you to go to bed."

     Slowly, I stood up and wiped my tears. When I looked at Saeran, there was an evil look in his eyes. He took a step forward, and I was truly afraid of what he might do to me. He picked up the leash and wrapped it back around the bedpost.

     "Lily?" he whispered in my ear. "Join me in bed." I fought back a shiver and slowly nodded. "Good girl."

     Gingerly I sank onto the bed. I noticed that Saeran had stripped down to his boxers. It was the first time I saw his tattoo, a giant eye. He turned off the light. I felt the bed go down as he climbed in. His hands reached out for me, pulling me into his chest.

     "Lily, my pet, you smell so go," Saeran whispered into my ear as he threw the blankets over us. "Savior said you must be pure for tomorrow, but after your ceremony, I'll make you completely mine. Now close your eyes and sleep."

     I laid with my eyes closed, listening to his breathing. I doubted that I could fall asleep. Today had been a nightmare, and it would only continue. How was I to escape this place? I had no idea where the exits were, or where this place was located. It sounded like tomorrow the "savior" was going to do something to me. I had a feeling it was some sort of mind control. Is that what they did to Saeran? Was he a different person before entering this place? Who was worse, the monster or the person who made the monster? I fell asleep pondering that question.

     The room was completely black, but I could hear murmurs all around me. Something sliced at my arm, cutting into my flesh. I screamed out in pain as another cut and another cut. I tried to run, but something grabbed my hands. I fought to get away, but they kept holding me tighter. Voices echoed all around, saying "if you run, you will wish you were dead". I pleaded to the voices, but they just laughed. The cuts became deeper as I screamed once more. In the distance I heard "Lily" repeated over and over.

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