Part 5

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     Leaving the gift shop with a couple of broken-down boxes, I hurried to my apartment. Rika's apartment was already furnished, so I really only needed the essentials. If I found myself staying at that apartment more permanently, I might think of getting rid of a few items and add more of my own taste. I wondered if Yoosung would be interested in any of the items. I wished I could invite him over to take a look, but V made it clear that no one was to know the apartment's location.

     As I drove, I thought about today. Thanks to the RFA app, I clearly didn't act like my normal self. How many times did I check the app? How many chatrooms did I enter? I even made and received calls when I should've been working. I would need to curve this behavior before it got out of hand.

     I did learn a few things about the app today. I could use the chatroom and make calls as long as I had service. For emails, however, I would need to be at Rika's apartment. I doubted I had many emails at the moment, but this was essential information to have.

     I wondered what type of guests would be invited. Could I invite someone? Mr. Kwon might be a good person to have at the party. He was a small business owner with three stores. He sounded like someone they would want at the party. As I thought about it, it might be best to wait until I saw who was invited. This would give me a better idea of who would be a good fit for the party.

     The sun was setting by the time I got home. I would pack up tonight, and in the morning I would take everything over to Rika's apartment. I placed the boxes on the bed with a yawn. Today had been exhausting. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out my phone. Seven said he would contact me tonight. Maybe he was waiting for me in the chatroom? I touched the RFA icon and watched as the messenger loaded.

Jaehee: So what role did you get?

Zen: The lead, Lance, but I'm a bit nervous.

Zen: I've never played someone like this.

Jaehee: You'll be great in any role.

Zen: Hey, Yvette

Hey Zen & Jaehee :Yvette

So you have a new role! :Yvette

Congrats!! :Yvette

Zen: Thanks, but I'm worried over it.

Jaehee: The director has faith you can play the role.

Zen: But this role is different from anything I've done before.

That's a good thing. :Yvette

It means you can broaden your horizons. :Yvette

Jaehee: Yvette is right.

Zen: Yes, you both are right.

Zen: I need to analyze this role. Learn everything I can about this character.

Zen: I feel much better knowing I have two beautiful ladies rooting for me.

Zen: I should get going.

Zen: Rehearsal's in two days and I have much to do.

Good luck, Zen :Yvette

Jaehee: Yes, good luck

Zen: Thanks

Zen had left the chatroom

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