Part 10

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     Laying in bed, I fumbled with my phone. My mind kept replaying everything that had happened the last couple of days. Between Zen and maybe Yoosung asking me out, Jumin telling me to be careful of Seven, and Seven telling me to contact him if something happens, I was unsure what to think. I was taken back with how forward Zen had been during our phone call. I knew I should be sleeping, but I couldn't get my mind to shut down. I almost dropped my phone when it rang.

     "This is the gorgeous 707 calling the beautiful Yvette. Am I sounding like Zen yet?"

     "You're getting there," I said with a laugh.

     "Ah, she laughed," Seven replied. "A glorious sound to my ears. In a world of sadness, nothing sounds so sweet as a beautiful lady's laugh. I, 707, Defender of Justice, will work hard so all I can hear from you is the sounds of laughter."

     "What will happen if I'm too sad to laugh?" I asked.

     "Never think of such things!" Seven exclaimed. "A lady like you should always be happy. I shall invent something that will always keep a smile on your face. I will give it to you the day of the party. It will have a duel purpose. Not only will it make you smile, but you will think of me."

     "I think I'd like that," I said. A smile had spread across my face.

     "Now I need to get to work," Seven continued. "Remember your promise to me."

     "Did you call cause you were worried about me?" I asked.

     "No, not really. Not at all. I saw you came home just fine," Seven stammered. "I also saw you in the chatroom. I just thought you needed a smile. I'll call you tomorrow."

     The call ended abruptly, but I felt Seven had been hinting at something. I wished I had recorded the call so I could play it back. I smiled again as I thought about Seven calling me beautiful. The way he said it felt different from how Zen said it. No, I scolded to myself. I would not fall for a dangerous man.

     It felt like sleep eluded me that night. I laid in bed, trying to fall asleep, and didn't even realize I was sleeping until my alarm woke me up. I hated dreams like that. I glanced at the time and jumped out of bed, swearing. Somehow I had overslept. I dashed off to the bathroom and emerged fifteen minutes later. I didn't feel ready for work, but I had to get going. As I reached the door, my phone began to ring. I cursed as it dawned on me the phone wasn't in my purse. I ran around the apartment, finding my phone on the nightstand. By the time I picked up the phone, the caller had hung-up.

     I ran out of the apartment and to the elevator. While waiting, I checked to see who called. It was Jumin. I debated on calling him back as the elevator door slid open. I stepped into the elevator and noticed, for a change, I wasn't alone. A man with bleach white hair was also in the elevator. My eyes saw the spiked leather band on his wrist as I checked to see that the first floor button was lit. He turned and smiled at me. I nodded as I dropped my phone into my purse.

     I tried hard not to stare at him, but I kept thinking I had seen him before. If he lived in the building, maybe we crossed paths. He looked to be close to my age, and most of the people I'd met had been older than me. When the doors opened on the first floor, he motioned for me to exit first. I thanked him as I left the elevator then ran off to my car. I'd never been late for an opening shift, and I didn't want to start now.

     As I pulled into the gift shop parking lot, I noticed Trey waiting for me. I looked at the dashboard clock and saw I needed to get the shop open in ten minutes. I jumped out of the car as soon as I turned it off.

     "I thought Elsie worked this morning?" I asked as I approached the building and began walking around it. Trey joined me.

     "She called me last night, asking if I could change shifts," Trey informed me. I nodded as I pulled on the backdoor. It was still locked. "Why do you do that?"

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