Part 7

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     Unsure of what else to do, I made my way back to the car. I turned the key and pulled out onto the street, still debating on my next destination. The thought of Rika's apartment entered my mind, but it wasn't long before I was driving out of the city. With music blaring, I drove deep into the countryside. I found some winding roads with hills to cruise down. Lost in the freedom, I left the world behind. All there was was the road.

     I drove for a couple of hours before coming upon a small restaurant. I wondered why anyone would have a business out there. Only a small number of people would even know about this place. I was about to drive by when a cherry red Jaguar convertible caught my eye. I knew of only one person with a car like that. Slamming on the brakes, I pulled into the parking lot. Luckily no one was behind me.

     With a smile I got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. The dining room was made up of a dozen tables with chairs in the center with a few booths along the wall. In a corner booth, I saw a man in a black leather jacket. I strolled over to the booth with my hands on my hips.

     "Mind if I join you?" I asked a man with sparkling blue eyes.

     "The man turned to look at me, and a huge grin spread across his face. He jumped up from the booth and pulled me into a hug.

     "Evie!" Matthew exclaimed. "Please, sit. How the hell are you?"

     We sat in the booth; I sat opposite of Matthew. A waitress came over with silverware, water, and a menu. I thanked her and turned my attention back to Matthew.

     "My work ganged up on me and told me to leave," I replied.

     "What?" Matthew questioned.

     "My boss told me I'm only allowed to work five days a week and no more than nine hours a day," I grumbled. "He's afraid I've been working myself too thin."

     "Have you?" Matthew asked.

     "Maybe," I admitted. "This is the first major job I ever had. I just want everything to be perfect. I want to prove I can handle anything."

     "But you don't want to make yourself sick working like this," Matthew said. I hated that he was right.

     "I heard you and Xavier broke up again," I said, changing the subject.

     "Yes, we have," Matthew replied. "He's ashamed of our relationship. I'm done hiding the fact I'm gay. I don't care who knows anymore. Xavier still tries to hide our love. We were at a party, and he began to act like he didn't know me. I just couldn't handle it anymore."

     "I'm sorry," I said with a frown. I had always hoped that their relationship would improve, but Xavier was more worried about his image.

     "I hope this doesn't affect our relationship," Matthew said.

     "Of course not," I replied.

     We spent the next hour munching on fully-loaded french fries and chatting about old times. We joked and laughed. I missed having a friend to talk with. Maybe the RFA would become my friends and chase the loneliness away. As we left the restaurant, I talked about the RFA.

     "Why don't you invite me?" Matthew asked. "Then you'll have one surefire guest."

     "Really?" I never thought of asking him. "Are you sure? I don't even know when the party is."

     "Just send me a text when you find out," Matthew said with a smile.

     Matthew walked me to my car and gave me a hug. I didn't want him to let me go, but I knew I had work to do at Rika's apartment. He ruffled my hair before walking away. I always hated when he did that. I opened the car door, and as I climbed in, my phone rang.

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