Part 8

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     Yawning, I turned on the water, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. As I applied lotion to my face, I wondered about Zen's nighttime routine. I was sure it took longer than mine. I bet it involved face masks and scrubs. I'm sure he did things I'd never think of.

     I made my way to bed wearing pajamas that were no more than an oversize shirt and drawstring pants. They were far from sexy, but they were comfortable. Being single with no sign of a boyfriend, sexy was something I didn't need to worry about. As I climbed into bed, my phone rang.

     "This is Seven Zero Seven, Defender of Justice. It is my sworn duty to make sure all are safe from the clutches of evil. You're finally moved into the apartment?"

     "More or less," I replied with a smile. "I still have some things at my apartment. My lease still has a month on it. I have a bit of time to get things moved out."

     "What are you doing now?" Seven asked. "I saw you took some time off of work."

     "Yeah. After the police showed up, I didn't feel like working," I said, trying to keep my voice light. "The other manager insisted I leave for the day and my boss seemed to back it up."

     "Police? You should've called me." His playful tone changed to something more serious. "You're okay?"

     "I'm fine," I assured him. "They found something at my parent's house and wanted to know what I knew about it." I took a deep breath before asking, "How far did you go while looking for information on me?"

     "I didn't really look into your personal information as much as your parents," Seven admitted. "I was looking for any trace that would connect them to you, even by second or third parties. From what I could tell, they seem to have cut ties with you and your brother. They even drew up new wills with your names missing." I knew nothing about the wills, nor did I care. "I did take a peek at your social media page. Your nickname's Evie?"

     "Yes." I could feel my checks growing hot. "Matthew came up with it, and our group of friends started calling me it."

     "Are we close friends?" Seven asked playfully. "Can I start calling you Evie?"

     "I think I need to know you better," I replied. A grin spread across my face.

     "Know me better?" Seven said. "I'm a dangerous man. You don't want to get too close to me. It's not good for your health."

     "I'll make sure to keep that in mind," I replied.

     "I do have a request though," Seven said.

     "What is it?" I asked.

     "First, you have to agree to it," Seven replied.

     "You want me to agree without knowing what it is?" I asked.

     "You mean there's a problem with that?" Seven questioned.

     Yeah, there's a problem," I responded.

     "I want you to call me first if anything happens," Seven said seriously. "Day or night, call me. If I don't pick up, leave me a detailed message. I'm going to be your guardian angel and look out for you, but I need to know if the slightest thing seems off to you. Can you do that?"

     "I can do that," I agreed.

     "Good, I should get going," Seven said as his tone changed again to being lighthearted. "The night is for cats and hackers to prowl. Since you are neither, you should think of going to bed. Now don't forget what you promised."

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