Part 6

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     I don't remember falling asleep. One moment I was holding my phone, having a debate with myself, and the next I was woken by my alarm. It was moving day. It was interview day. It was how much does my life seem to suck day. I felt like t-shirts needed to be made for that last day.

     I rolled out of bed, yawned and stretched, and headed to the bathroom. As I stepped out of the shower, I glanced at the time. I needed to drop the boxes off to Rika's apartment and head off to work. It looked like I would have to skip breakfast today.

     Quickly, I dried myself off and dressed. I grabbed a box to put the rest of my toiletries in. I had just finished packing the box when my phone rang. Was that good or bad timing? I grabbed my phone from my bed.

     "Hello," I answered.

     "Hello, Yvette," a male voice said. "This is Jumin."

     "Ah!" I exclaimed. I was a bit surprised the heir of C&R was calling me. "Hello, Jumin."

     "This is the first time I've heard your voice," Jumin remarked. "It is a pleasant voice."

     "Thanks," I said, unsure how else to answer. "What are you doing this morning?"

     "I will be leaving for work soon," Jumin said. "Mr. Kim should be bringing the car around soon. I have a morning meeting and lunch with my father. What are your plans?"

     "Before work I'm dropping some boxes off to Rika's apartment." I looked at the boxes and bags, hoping they would all fit into my car. "I have 3 interviews and hope one I can hire."

     "If I knew where Rika's apartment is, I could send someone to help you move," Jumin replied. "Mr. Kim just arrived, so I must let you go."

     The call ended before I could even say good-bye. I saw the time and swore. I hurried off to finish getting ready for work. When I reemerged from the bathroom, I grabbed a box and heading off to the car. After half a dozen trips, I had the car packed and was heading over to Rika's apartment. Unloading the car seemed to take more time considering my apartment was on the third floor while Rika's was on the fourteenth. The elevator seemed to take forever. I piled all the boxes and bags in the living room and took off for work.

     Luckily my drive to work was no longer than normal. I felt relieved once I pulled into the parking lot, but that feeling vanished when I entered the gift shop. Standing by the door were two police officers. I remembered Seven telling me that I had nothing to worry, but I was far from calm.

     "Miss Soung?" the male officer asked.

     "Yes," I answered. I could see Bella and Younghee watching from the cash registers.

     "We would like to talk with you," the female officer said. "Is there someplace private we can talk?"

     "Yes," I said, fighting to keep my voice level. "The office is in the back."

     I walked to the backroom with both officers in tow. I unlocked the door to the office and stepped in. The room was tight with the three of us in the office, but the officers never commented on it. The female officer even motioned for me to take a seat in the office chair. I did, but it left me looking up at them. I felt like a child about to be lectured.

     "I'm sure you're aware your parents are under investigation," the female officer said. I noticed the male officer was standing out in the backroom. "Some information has come to light, and we wish to talk to you about it."

     "Okay," I said slowly, looking from one officer to the other.

     "When was the last time you saw either of your parents?" the female officer asked.

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