Part 20

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     After the Doctor left, I ordered myself a small lunch. I was on a soft food diet, so my menu choices were limited. At least I could have all the jello I ever wanted, but I decided to keep away from the eggs. As my lunch arrived, so did a visitor. I was feeling popular today.

     Mr. Kwon smiled as he handed me a bag. I opened it to find a box of chocolates inside.

     "Thanks," I said as I placed them on the table next to me.

     "I figured everyone would give you flowers," Mr. Kwon said as he took a seat. "Everyone's been worried about you. Holly called me last night to see if I had any updates on you."

     "Holly?" I was unsure if I heard him correctly.

     "Oh, yes," Mr. Kwon replied. "Since her transfer, she's been talking most favorably of you. Yesterday, I had to make some tough decisions, but I think it's all for the best."

     "What decisions?" I asked, feeling worried about my job.

     "I moved Bella into the Store Manager position," Mr. Kwon informed me. I could feel my hear plummet. "She says Trey has really picked up on things fast. We're unsure if he should remain Lead Cashier or be promoted to manager. Either way, I will need to hire someone for the Gift Shop.

     "As for your new position, I'm making you my assistant. We agreed that I really could use some help, and I don't know anyone better for the job. Now, there is no rush. I want you healed. We will all be waiting for your return."

     I felt stunned as Mr. Kwon left the room. A new position? I knew I couldn't turn it down since he already gave away my old position. I just never saw myself as someone's assistant. Maybe I could ask Jaehee for advice.

     I finally managed to get a small nap in before my next visitor arrived. I was just opening my eyes when Jumin entered. I never expected him to take time out of his busy schedule to see me. He barely knew me. Jumin placed a huge bouquet of flowers next to the ones Yoosung brought me.

     "I've been meaning to visit you earlier, but this Mint Eye business has been taking a large amount of my time. Luciel, no, Saeyoung has joined us at C&R and has been a huge help. Surprisingly, he is a hard worker, but we found something he's been keeping hidden. Saeyoung and his twin brother are the illegitimate sons of the prime minister. We also found a bunch of illegal activity the prime minister has been involved in. Strangely, some of this activity has been linked to your adoptive parents. I thought it best to tell you in person before we release this information publicly.

     "Wow." I was stunned. "It seems like a lot has happened since I've been in the hospital."

     "It appears so," Jumin said in his matter of fact way. "Rika is alive but mentally unbalanced. V is talking of stepping down as leader of the RFA, but he is thinking of getting the eye surgery to save his eyesight."

     Jumin sat down in the chair next to my bed. He looked as tired as I felt.

     "How much trouble is the RFA in?" I asked.

     "I think we can keep the RFA's name out of it," Jumin replied. "We've been working hard on keeping Mint Eye out of the media, but as 'believers' return to society, there is nothing to stop them from talking. I've been talking to my lawyer, and the most we can hope for is that they sign an agreement. We will pay for all their medical expenses, and they will keep quiet about Mint Eye."

     "I guess that is the best we can hope for," I said. "I hate to think of how much my medical bill will be when I get out of here."

     "I am already paying for your medical bills," Jumin informed me.

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