Part 14

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     I found myself rushing home, glad I had already made a trip to the grocery store. My mind kept thinking of the conversation I had had with Jumin and Seven. I couldn't help but worry about whoever led me to the apartment.

     I felt some relief once I entered the apartment. No one could enter the apartment who wasn't a member of the RFA. My relief disappeared as I wondered how the app ended up on my phone. Someone must have loaded it onto my phone. If they could load it onto mine, then they could load it onto others. Was I safe anywhere?

     I heated up a frozen dinner and checked the emails on the RFA app. Ten emails were waiting for me. I opened my laptop and got to work answering them all. I noticed I was becoming faster with my replies. Instead of fully researching each guest, an overview was all I really needed. The emails centered on who the RFA was and about the parties. I also tried to bring up any benefits for coming to the party. After an hour and a half, I had responded to every email. I hoped for a few more confirmed guests tomorrow.

     I yawned and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Tonight I was wearing the new pajamas. It seemed strange not to be wearing my oversize t-shirt. The tank top seemed to hug my body. Would Seven be interested in anything like this?

     I climbed into bed, wishing I didn't have to open in the morning. At least I would have the whole afternoon free. I had no plans but to rest and relax. With Trey being in charge again, I could work on next week's schedule. Maybe some merchandise would be delivered tomorrow. The displays were becoming quite bare.

     I fumbled with my phone, loading up the RFA app again. Thanks to the messenger, I felt my loneliness vanish. What if the person who installed the app onto my phone did so with good intentions? It seemed clear that the person had known Rika, since they knew the code to get into the apartment. Maybe they were sad to see the RFA slowly fall apart. Maybe they chose me to bring new life into the association. How did this person choose me?

Zen: Hello my beautiful Lady.

Hello my lovely Zen. :Yvette

Yoosung: Hey Yvette

Yoosung: I don't have a good greeting like Zen.

Hey cutie Yoosung. :Yvette

How are you guys tonight? :Yvette

Yoosung: My professors hate me.

All of them? :Yvette

Yoosung: Maybe not all, but most of them.

Zen: Why do you think they hate you?

Yoosung: I'm failing most of my classes.

Is that cause they hate you, or cause you're not doing the work? :Yvette

Zen: She has a point.

You're most likely failing cause the classes don't interest you. :Yvette

Yoosung: If they had a class on LOLOL, I would be acing it.

There must be something besides LOLOL that interests you. :Yvette

Yoosung: Not really.

Yoosung: I'm interested in girls, but they don't seem interested in me.

Zen: Plus it's hard to talk to a girl while playing games all day.

Yoosung: Girls play LOLOL too.

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