Part 9

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     Any day without Holly is a good day. Everyone was in a good mood. All major tasks were getting completed. By the time Joon came, we set to work on a task I'd been avoiding since I was hired, cleaning out the office.

     "How many boxes of receipts do we have?" Joon asked as I handed him another box.

     "Too many," I muttered. "Since I don't know of their relevance, all we can do is put them in the storage room. I'll send Mr. Kwon an email once we finish to ask about them."

     "Hey, what's this?" Joon called to me. I had just picked up and box, and quickly dropped it to see what was found.

     "Seriously," I said as I looked into the box at Joon's feet. "VHS tapes? Must be from the old security system before it all went digital." I picked up a tape and noticed it said Friday. Another said. Monday. There were seven tapes in total.

     "You mean the manager had to change the tapes out every morning?" Joon asked.

     "Looks like it," I replied. "Guess if the manager forgets, the whole day never gets recorded."

     It took us a little over an hour, but in the end, the office seemed to have doubled in size. The boxes were now either in the storage room or the dumpster. Three of the boxes we found were full of old merchandise.

     "Why would someone do this?" Joon asked as he picked up a doll from one of the boxes. Her face was smashed in on one side. "This is where nightmares begin."

     "No, this is where nightmares begin," I said as I picked up a stuffed horse head. I was sure it used to be a hobby horse minus the stick. "Picture finding this in your bed."

     "I'd rather not," Joon said with a wince.

     With the office cleaned and decluttered, I went to look at my bare shelves. How much stuff have we sold in the last week? Did we miss more than one big shipment?

     "Not much to do here," Joon said as he walked over to me.

     "Not really," I said with a frown. "All we can do is try to make the displays look full, but I don't want to see ten of the same item out there."

     "I understand," Joon replied. "At least the candy vendor showed up." He pointed to a wall full of a variety of candies.

     "That is cause our food and beverage vendors come in once a week to order," I informed Joon. "If it wasn't for that, this wall would be as bare as the rest."

     Joon headed out to the sales floor as I headed to the office to send the email to Mr. Kwon. It was almost time for me to leave when my phone began to ring. I quickly answered it.

     "Hello, my beautiful lady," Zen said in that musical voice of his.

     "Hello, lovely Zen," I replied back. "You called at a good time. It's almost time for me to leave work."

     "I must be gifted with incredible good luck," Zen replied. "I did have a reason for my call. I just read about what Jumin told you about Seven."

     "About how he's dangerous." I responded. "Seven also told me that himself."

     "Seven's told all of us that," Zen agreed, "but he's helpful in his own weird way. He took one of my videos, edited it, and made it go viral. I gained so much popularity because of it. The funny thing about Seven is he never does things like this for himself. He always does it for other people. He might be one of the members I know the least about, but he seems to have the biggest heart. He just shows it in a strange way."

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