Part 4

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     By the time I made it back to my apartment, I felt more confused than ever. I fell onto my bed with a sigh. Did I really have a new apartment? I had an apartment as long as I was a member of the RFA. My lease for this apartment wasn't up for another six weeks. This would give me some time to figure things out. I would hate to give up this place just to be kicked out of the other place.

     It sounded like I would need to be close to Rika's computer to use the RFA app, or was that just the email part. I pulled out my phone and stared at it again. I doubted anyone was on the messenger right now, so I might need to test the app tomorrow. Suddenly the phone began to ring in my hand, almost causing me to drop it.

     "Hello?" I answered.

     "Hi, it's Zen." His voice was beautiful. I was certain 707 told me and Zen was a musical actor. With a voice like his, it was easy to see why. "I hope you don't mind me calling. Seven gave us all your number in case something comes up or just to talk. I hope I'm not bothering you right now."

     "," I stammered, feeling embarrassed. "No, I was just lost in thought."

     "Thinking about me?" Zen joked. "I'm sure you're overwhelmed. We sorta pressured you to join. That wasn't right of us to do, and I felt someone should apologize."

     "Thanks," I said as a smile came to my lips.

     "I honestly don't think I could do what Rika did," Zen admitted, "and here we are making you take over her job."

     "Yes, it all seems overwhelming," I said with a nervous laugh.

     "You have a cute laugh," Zen said in a flirty voice. "If you seem too overwhelmed, call me up. I can sing you something to help you relax. Maybe I'll look for a song just for you."

     "That sounds interesting," I replied. I was beginning to relax as we talked. His voice seemed to make all my anxiety just melt away. Maybe I should call him after a hard day at work.

     "It's getting late, and I have lines to run though," Zen told me. "Call me anytime. If I have time to spare, I'll gladly chat with you. Dream of me, my Lady."

     As the call ended, a huge grin was on my face. This Zen was a real charmer. I knew I would have to be careful when talking to him. The last thing I needed was to fall for a guy I'd never seen in real life.

     The following day I found myself staring at the computer. I had redone the schedule three times, and it still wasn't right. I needed two people in the store at all times, then there was the mid shift to give extra coverage when busy. No matter how I looked at the schedule, I kept finding an hour here or there that needed to be filled. Once again I scrapped the whole schedule and started over again. There had to be a way to make the schedule where I wasn't working over 48 hours. Being salary, it didn't matter how many hours I worked; I was paid the same regardless. If I had to work for the RFA now, I needed time to do that.

     I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. A notification went off on my phone. I took a second deep breath and pulled out my phone. A new chatroom and opened in the RFA app. This might be the best time to take a break.

Yoosung: Yvette!!

Yoosung: I can't believe I get to talk to the new member.

Yoosung: Wow!

Yoosung: So exciting!!

Hey Yoosung :Yvette

What are you doing? :Yvette

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