Part 19

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     Hospitals don't really let a person sleep unless they give that person something that knocks them out. After a couple of days, the doctor decided to change my pain medicine. The new medication didn't tire me out, but made me feel a little loopy. Visiting hours ended around 8 pm, so I would be left with my thoughts for the rest of the night. Every couple of hours, a nurse came in to check my vitals. At first, it didn't seem that bad until they came in at one, three, and five in the morning. At three in the morning, they thought it would be a good time to draw blood. By the time I could have visitors again, I was dead tired and dozing.

     "Just going to sleep all day?" a voice asked me.

     I blinked a couple of times and found Xavier staring down at me.

     "What's wrong with that?" I asked as I yawned.

     "How much sleep did you get?" Xavier asked with a worried look.

     "Sleep and rest in a hospital? I questioned. "Now that's crazy talk. They have to come in every time I'm about to fall asleep to check my vitals and ask a bunch of questions."

     "Now I feel bad for waking you, but I got some good news," Xavier said with a smile.

     "I'm up for good news," I replied.

     "Mother and Father were arrested at the border," he announced. "Not sure if they were sneaking in or out of the country. My lawyer called this morning and told me all about it."

     One less thing to worry about," I said with another yawn.

     "I was asking the doctor when you can be released," Xavier continued. "He thought it could be as early as the end of this week. I can get your room ready for you. Even hire a nurse. What do you think?"

     "Sounds nice," I said, feeling a little uneasy.

     "What's the matter?" Xavier asked.

     "Can I think about it?" I asked. "I'm still trying to figure things out.

     "Fine!" Xavier huffed. "I have work to do. Call me if you need anything."

     Before I could say anything, Xavier walked out of the room. Seven had hinted at me moving into his place, but never officially came out to ask. I didn't want to agree with moving in with Xavier just to refuse him later. Did I do the wrong thing?

     With a yawn, I closed my eyes again. My mind was beginning to drift away, then a voice woke me up.

     "Is all you ever do is sleep?" asked a strange male voice. I opened my eyes to see the man with the long brown hair looking at me.

     "Some of us didn't get a lot of sleep last night," I retorted, closing my eyes again.

     "Is that so," the man said.

     Why do you hate me?" I asked.

     "Who says I hate you," he answered.

     "Fine, why do you dislike me so?" I asked.

     He chuckled before answering. "I don't know you well enough to hate you, but yes, I don't like you. I've been his handler for years. Know him better than anyone else. Maybe I'm a bit overprotective of him."

     "I wasn't expecting that," I said with a yawn. "I'm just starting to get to know him. Relationships are about... learned about each other."

     "There's a lot he can't tell you," the man informed me. "Are you okay with not knowing the whole truth?"

     "I'm guessing it has to do with his life as an informant," I replied. "We all have a past that we would rather forget and never bring it up. I'm not going to force him to tell me something he can't."

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