Part 15

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     Once at work, it was a new day of training. Trey and I walked around the building, making sure nothing seemed out of place. I had Trey unlock the door and turn off the alarm. Once we all entered the store, Trey locked the doors again. Younghee was the cashier this morning, and he began replenishing the bags before we opened. Trey and I walked to the office, and I watched as he counted down the safe and got the drawers ready. He entered all the information into the computer and took the drawers out to the registers. Finally he unlocked the doors.

     I went back into the office and checked all the emails. I quickly read them all. Some were forward to Mr. Kwon, while others were from Mr. Kwon. One email from him was asking about Trey's first day of training. I quickly responded to those and opened the last email. A cold chill ran down my spine as I read "I'll come for you."

     Unsure of what to do, I pulled out my phone and called Seven. The call went straight to voicemail. I left a message explaining about the email. Four months of working here and I'd never seen anything like it. I wished to hear Seven tell me it's nothing to worry about. If this was a prank, it wasn't funny.

     Wanting someone else's opinion, I called Trey into the office and showed him the email. He stared at the screen for a couple of minutes before turning towards me.

     "Is this part of training?" Trey asked. I was sure I would've asked the same thing.

     "I wish I could say yes," I answered.

     "There's no sender," Trey said, clearly confused.

     "I know," I replied. "I've never seen an email without a sender."

     "Who are they coming for?" Trey asked. "This doesn't sound good."

     "Tell me about it," I said with a frown. "I'll forward it to Mr. Kwon, but we should keep our eyes open."

     "Are you going to show Bella when she comes in?" Trey asked

     "Yes," I answered. "All managers need to know about this. I wish Joon worked today." I printed out the email and pinned it to the wall behind the computer.

     For safety reasons, both Trey and I carried our phones with us. At the first sign of trouble, we were to call each other. Beyond Seven, I had no clue who I should call. I did think of Jaehee, but I doubted she could help me. This was clearly a Seven situation. I kept telling myself that Seven would call if it was important.

     A new thought entered my mind as I showed Trey how to check-in a vendor. What if the email wasn't from the hacker but my parents? Are they trying to threaten me? Maybe instead of Seven, I should be calling Xavier. Once the vendor was gone and Trey worked on putting the product away, I went into the office to make a call.

     "Yvette!" Xavier exclaimed. "Are you okay? Matthew told me about your day out. Don't blame him. It's my fault."

     "Oh, I know it's your fault," I snapped. I took a deep breath to calm myself. "That's not why I called you. I'm at work, and we got a strange email." I quickly explained the email to him.

     "No sender address?" Xavier asked. "That does seem strange. I didn't think an email could be sent without an address."

     "That's what I thought," I replied. "I plan on showing it to Bella when she gets here. I don't know who would send a message like that though."

     "'I'll come for you' seems like a threat to me," Xavier said. "When are you getting off work?"

     "This afternoon," I answered before quickly adding, "and no, I'm not driving to your place. I have work tomorrow and a party in five days to coordinate."

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