Chapter 8

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[I edited and changed up my other chapters, so if you haven't already maybe go check em out?]
My senses are overwhelmed. So much has happened in so little time. Hours of training this morning, the attack on U. A, passing out (gotta say that wasn't fun.) But, it's nice... I'm... it's nice that I'm back. I didn't realize how much I missed it here, how much I missed Kacchan.
Recovery Girl left not too long ago. It's silent, with only the sound of our breath. Warm arms wrapped around me, the slight sent of caramel and smoke. It's been too long. I definitely should have thought it through more before I decided to join the league. I can't even imagine how I would feel if anyone- if Kacchan left me, for two years. However, I can't deny the fact that I was treated like family. I can't push aside the fact that I was happy.
A sigh escapes my lips. Right here. Right now. Enveloped by such warmth by one that I care very deeply for. Right now, I am happy. I really did miss him. There were moments when I thought about coming back, but I knew I wouldn't be able to face everyone, let alone Kacchan, after what I did.
I allow myself to melt further into the touch. "Izuku," Kacchan's voice is quiet, oddly so for himself, but there's a gruffness to it that holds the rougher parts of himself; "I... I missed you." That's a first. I never thought he could be this gentle. I really did miss a lot these past two years. His grip slightly tightened around my body, my face shoved itself between his shoulder and neck. A deep breath, "I missed you too."
Silence overtakes once again. Earlier troubles that were clouding my brain, now gone. There is only the sound of our breath, and the smell of caramel and smoke. I really have missed him.
Whether much time passes or not is unknown to myself. I'm lost in the utter bliss of the moment, it seems as though Kacchan is too. It takes us both a moment to realize that we are no longer alone. The door to the infirmary is ajar. Standing in the opening is a blanched Kirishima Eijrio. He says nothing. Only stares. It takes Kacchan a moment longer to notice his presence. It's like a staring contest. Kirishima is staring at Kacchan. Kacchan is staring at Kirishima. All I can do is stare back and forth between the two. I think I'm missing something.
Eiji... Okay I need to think about this for a second. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm comforting my... friend.. I'm being reunited with someone I've missed. I'm not doing anything wrong.
Firery red eyes hold my own crimson stare. Neither of us have moved, let alone spoken. My arms are still held tight around Izuku, no intention of moving them either. The air is tense.
It's been long enough now that the door creaked shut on its own. Enough time has passed for Eijiro to regain some colour in his face. "Eij, how're you holding up?" The questions itself seems almost forced out of my mouth. There's an unnecessarily long beat before, "Uh.. I'm good," his voice meek, "we took a bit of a beating but, uh, we did well." His eyes drift to Izuku. My arms subconsciously tighten around him, I'm not doing anything wrong. Red eyes meet my own once more, "Katsu, can we talk," he says it as more of a statement than a question. I shouldn't be reluctant to follow my boyfriend out to talk. I shouldn't be, but I am. I'm reluctant to even loosen the hold I have on the boy in my arms. "..of course Eij."
The hall is just as silent and tense as the infirmary was; Eijiro quietly staring at the floor, possibly thinking of what to say. "Ei-," "So, he's back." He said it swiftly, little emotion to go with the statement. "Yeah. He is," he seems to be looking for more, "I found him during the attack. It was surprising to say the least. Eij, I haven't seen him in years, years, I- I don't know how to feel. We were together since diapers and then... nothing. For two whole years! I just- I don't know Eij." Our eyes meet once again. He takes a moment before speaking softly, "I- Katsu I really need a hug right now." I swiftly embrace him. His arms around my waist, my own around his shoulders. We hold each other tightly. I soothingly run my fingers through his red hair, which he wore down. Tension is released from his shoulders and I can feel the way he melts into me. Minutes pass as we embrace each other in the hall.
He slowly pulls away, placing a soft kiss on my jaw. With a sigh, "It's been a rough day Katsu. I'm gonna head to bed." Before he can fully pull away, I place a kiss on the top of his head, "see you later Eij." With that, he makes his way back in the direction of the dorms. Alone in the silent hall, I decide to head back into the infirmary.

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